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The City is committed to working with you to understand and utilise your views, concerns, and aspirations, to guide sustainable outcomes in our decision-making processes to strengthen community cohesion, city amenity and the quality of life for the local community.
Our online community engagement hub, Your Voice Nedlands provides you and the community with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions of Council. The hub also gives us an avenue to communicate decisions and activities.
This page is regularly updated with news such as infrastructure, closures and events.
The City is committed to working with you to understand and utilise your views, concerns, and aspirations, to guide sustainable outcomes in our decision-making processes to strengthen community cohesion, city amenity and the quality of life for the local community.
Our online community engagement hub, Your Voice Nedlands provides you and the community with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions of Council. The hub also gives us an avenue to communicate decisions and activities.
This page is regularly updated with news such as infrastructure, closures and events.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.
East Hollywood Parking Review - Council approves changes on Verdun Street
Share East Hollywood Parking Review - Council approves changes on Verdun Street on Facebook Share East Hollywood Parking Review - Council approves changes on Verdun Street on Twitter Share East Hollywood Parking Review - Council approves changes on Verdun Street on Linkedin Email East Hollywood Parking Review - Council approves changes on Verdun Street linkCLOSED: This project has been completed.The Council at its meeting on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 to approved verge parking on Verdun Street with resident/visitor holding parking permits only.
Permits are available for residents and their visitors wishing to park on the verge. To apply for a permit, please refer to the guide and application form on the City’s website.
Changes have been implemented from Friday 26 July 2019.
If you have any queries in relation to parking permit applications please contact Ranger Services on (08) 9273 3500.
Please visit the City's website (Your Council/Minutes-agendas) to view the report (TS11.19) to find out more.
Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration
Share Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration on Facebook Share Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration on Twitter Share Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration on Linkedin Email Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration linkCLOSED: This discussion has been updated.The city is progressing well with the brush walling installed in April and weed control ongoing. The site is on track to be planted with local provenance dryland seedlings later in June and wetland seedlings in July.
The brush walling is being installed in preparation for fringing foreshore revegetation works that are scheduled during the winter months.
This project involves:
- Stabilising and protecting existing vegetation
- Removing invasive weeds
- Revegetating degraded areas in order to increase biodiversity, improve habitat and protect the foreshore from tidal and storm surges.
For queries, please contact the City's Environmental Conservation Coordinator, Vicki Shannon on (08) 9273 3500 or email Further updates will be posted on this page.
Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves
Share Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves on Facebook Share Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves on Twitter Share Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves on Linkedin Email Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves linkCLOSED: This project has been updated.The City has appointed licensed contractors to undertake weed control on road reserves during June-July.
An application of glyphosate will be applied to road kerbs, traffic islands, footpaths, and shared use paths for the eradication of annual and perennial weeds and grasses.
This herbicide is being applied in accordance with the product requirements, as is required by state and federal legislation.
This treatment will not be carried out adjacent to properties where residents have registered to be included on the City's non-spray register.
Further details may be obtained by contacting the City's Project Manager, Craig New on 9273 3500 or
Thank you for your patience while this work is being undertaken.
Montgomery Avenue: Footpath closure - Update
Share Montgomery Avenue: Footpath closure - Update on Facebook Share Montgomery Avenue: Footpath closure - Update on Twitter Share Montgomery Avenue: Footpath closure - Update on Linkedin Email Montgomery Avenue: Footpath closure - Update linkCLOSED: This project has been updated.There will be continuing closure of the section of footpath along Montgomery Avenue, Mt Claremont to allow for repairs on the boundary wall fence.
The temporary closure of the footpath, signage and tape will remain in place in the interim to inform the general public of the closure.
The City will be liaising with property owners to facilitate a timeframe.
Broadway Foreshore carpark - completed
Share Broadway Foreshore carpark - completed on Facebook Share Broadway Foreshore carpark - completed on Twitter Share Broadway Foreshore carpark - completed on Linkedin Email Broadway Foreshore carpark - completed linkCLOSED: This project has been completed.Broadway Foreshore Carpark is now complete and fully functional.
Thank you for your patience during this time.
Railway Reserve Greenway - Stage 5 project to commence
Share Railway Reserve Greenway - Stage 5 project to commence on Facebook Share Railway Reserve Greenway - Stage 5 project to commence on Twitter Share Railway Reserve Greenway - Stage 5 project to commence on Linkedin Email Railway Reserve Greenway - Stage 5 project to commence linkCLOSED: This project has been completed.Works begin on 28 May for approximately four weeks to extend the greenway corridor from Karrakatta to the Claremont-Nedlands boundary.
The works will include site preparation, mulching and planting with native trees, shrubs and ground covers that are found naturally in the region.
It is expected that the work will be completed by the end of June.
The work will be undertaken in three areas (click on the heading above to view images of the proposed areas):
- The largest section extends along the eastern side of Stubbs Terrace from Karrakatta train station south to the Claremont Nedlands boundary.
- The second area extends along the western side of Stubbs Terrace just south of the Nagal Underpass and north of Quintilian Road.
- With the third section on the west side of Railway Road just south Nagal Underpass.
The corridor areas will be planted with Waterwise native trees, shrubs and ground covers in June. Approximately 4500 locally occurring native shrubs and ground covers will be planted. All species are local provenance native species that naturally occur in the region.
Updates on the project will occur in a News Feed on this engagement page.
East Hollywood Precinct - Parking review
Share East Hollywood Precinct - Parking review on Facebook Share East Hollywood Precinct - Parking review on Twitter Share East Hollywood Precinct - Parking review on Linkedin Email East Hollywood Precinct - Parking review linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The council had its meeting on Tuesday 11 June 2019. Council approved verge parking on Verdun Street to permit holders only with all other existing prohibitions to remain unchanged.
To view the report, please visit the city's website (TS11.19)
Minutes are also available on the city's website (TS11.19 PG 19 of PDF)
The report follows the completion of a review of parking prohibitions in the Hollywood Precinct area which comprised of measuring the parking occupancy level, taking into account the high demand for parking in the area from the hospitals.
Residents can apply for parking permits if required. Eligibility conditions apply. To find out more, please visit the City's website or by calling the City on (08) 9273 3500.
Water Corporation - Metro Water Main Renewals - Verdun and Burwood Streets
Share Water Corporation - Metro Water Main Renewals - Verdun and Burwood Streets on Facebook Share Water Corporation - Metro Water Main Renewals - Verdun and Burwood Streets on Twitter Share Water Corporation - Metro Water Main Renewals - Verdun and Burwood Streets on Linkedin Email Water Corporation - Metro Water Main Renewals - Verdun and Burwood Streets linkCLOSED: This project has been completed.The Water Corporation has appointed Contractors, Valmec Australia Pty Ltd to undertake the renewal of the water main in Verdun and Burwood Streets, Nedlands from the second week of May to 30 June 2019.
A new 430m of DN100 new water main will be installed along the north/west side of Verdun/Burwood, and switching the service connections from the old main to the new one.
The new water mains will be installed by open-trenching. Reinstatement and restoration of these areas will be the responsibility of the contractor.
During the period of works, there will be traffic interruptions.
For further information and enquiries please contact the Project Manager, Valmec (Michael Blesic) on 0456 891 192. Further information is available in the document library (Pipes for Perth Flyer)
Please note: this is not a project being managed by the City, however if you wish to discuss any issues with the City, please call us on (08) 9273 3500. -
Broadway Foreshore carpark nearly completed
Share Broadway Foreshore carpark nearly completed on Facebook Share Broadway Foreshore carpark nearly completed on Twitter Share Broadway Foreshore carpark nearly completed on Linkedin Email Broadway Foreshore carpark nearly completed linkCLOSED: This project has been completed.Broadway Foreshore Carpark is in its final stages, with only some minor touch ups to complete when the weather clears. This should not affect users of the car park, which is now fully functional.
Please contact the City’s Project Manager Paul Beasley on 9273 3500 with any queries.
Point Resolution Reserve - River Foreshore Restoration - Final stages
Share Point Resolution Reserve - River Foreshore Restoration - Final stages on Facebook Share Point Resolution Reserve - River Foreshore Restoration - Final stages on Twitter Share Point Resolution Reserve - River Foreshore Restoration - Final stages on Linkedin Email Point Resolution Reserve - River Foreshore Restoration - Final stages linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City has commenced the final stage to expand the existing greenway corridor at Point Resolution Reserve in accordance with the Point Resolution Masterplan. Invasive weeds were removed in May and June. Fencing and certified mulch is currently being installed. This will be followed by the installation of approximately 7000 water-wise, locally occurring native shrubs and ground covers later in July.
This project involves:
- Stabilising and protecting existing vegetation
- Removing invasive weeds
- Revegetating degraded areas in order to increase biodiversity, improve habitat and protect the foreshore from tidal and storm surges.