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The City is committed to working with you to understand and utilise your views, concerns, and aspirations, to guide sustainable outcomes in our decision-making processes to strengthen community cohesion, city amenity and the quality of life for the local community.
Our online community engagement hub, Your Voice Nedlands provides you and the community with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions of Council. The hub also gives us an avenue to communicate decisions and activities.
This page is regularly updated with news such as infrastructure, closures and events.
The City is committed to working with you to understand and utilise your views, concerns, and aspirations, to guide sustainable outcomes in our decision-making processes to strengthen community cohesion, city amenity and the quality of life for the local community.
Our online community engagement hub, Your Voice Nedlands provides you and the community with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions of Council. The hub also gives us an avenue to communicate decisions and activities.
This page is regularly updated with news such as infrastructure, closures and events.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.
Ringneck Lane - Drainage and Pavement Upgrade
Share Ringneck Lane - Drainage and Pavement Upgrade on Facebook Share Ringneck Lane - Drainage and Pavement Upgrade on Twitter Share Ringneck Lane - Drainage and Pavement Upgrade on Linkedin Email Ringneck Lane - Drainage and Pavement Upgrade linkCLOSED: This construction has concluded.Commencing 18 November 2019, Civcon will be carrying out new drainage and brick paving along Ringneck Lane (east of Hobbs Avenue, Dalkeith.
View the site location here. Lane closures will be in place with detours around the work site. Local traffic will continue to have limited access whilst closures are in place, and on-site traffic controllers will be happy to assist.The works should be completed within a three-week timeframe, dependent on the weather and resources. Works will be undertaken during weekdays, between the hours of 7:00am - 5:00pm.Please note that some preparatory works will need to be undertaken outside of these dates and may include survey and paint markings.Further enquiries, please contact the Site Supervisor Chris Bredice on 0477 169 409 or alternatively the City's Representative, Myles Bovell on (08) 9273 3500.
Further updates will be posted to this page. -
Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation - Delays
Share Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation - Delays on Facebook Share Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation - Delays on Twitter Share Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation - Delays on Linkedin Email Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation - Delays linkCLOSED: This project has been updatedDue to the previous use of the Swanbourne Oval, additional approvals and remediation measures have been required which has meant a delay to the original construction timeframe.
The new perimeter concrete path, cricket pitch, and irrigation is planned to be completed by the end of the calendar year. The oval will remain closed to public for some months while the new turf establishes. -
Norfolk Rise and Mooro Park: parking issues
Share Norfolk Rise and Mooro Park: parking issues on Facebook Share Norfolk Rise and Mooro Park: parking issues on Twitter Share Norfolk Rise and Mooro Park: parking issues on Linkedin Email Norfolk Rise and Mooro Park: parking issues linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded. Your feedback is currently being reviewed.Residents will be receiving correspondence in relation to parking concerns on Norfolk Rise outside Mooro Park, Mount Claremont which have been raised with the City and your feedback is invited. Your feedback will enable us to understand the issues and resident preferences for parking in this area.
The City proposes to zone the area as two-hour parking, from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm to deter all day student parking and to increase the vehicle turnover in this area. Please see map below for further details by clicking on the heading.
If the proposal proceeds, parking permits can be obtained from the City to allow residents and their visitors to park beyond the time limit.
If you wish to provide feedback on this proposal, please comment on this newsfeed by Friday, 13 December 2019, or alternatively email
If you have any further queries, please contact Shaun Fletcher via email or telephone (08) 9273 3500.
UPDATE - Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation
Share UPDATE - Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation on Facebook Share UPDATE - Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation on Twitter Share UPDATE - Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation on Linkedin Email UPDATE - Swanbourne Oval Rehabilitation linkCLOSED: This project has been updated.Work is progressing steadily with the rehabilitation of Swanbourne Oval with a number of factors relating to the project requiring a staged approach:
- The completion of earthworks, installation of pathway and cricket pitch will take place end of September/Early October
- The last few weeks of October will see the installation of the irrigation system
- Installation of grass through rolls of turf around the pitch, the outfield and surrounds in early November
It is hoped that the field will be 90% grassed in the new year.Further updates, will be posted to this page. -
Leopold Street - Works complete
Share Leopold Street - Works complete on Facebook Share Leopold Street - Works complete on Twitter Share Leopold Street - Works complete on Linkedin Email Leopold Street - Works complete linkCLOSED: This project has concluded.The City has completed the rehabilitation of the road surface on Leopold Street and the road is now fully open to the public.
Works complete: Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ): Road Surface Upgrade
Share Works complete: Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ): Road Surface Upgrade on Facebook Share Works complete: Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ): Road Surface Upgrade on Twitter Share Works complete: Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ): Road Surface Upgrade on Linkedin Email Works complete: Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ): Road Surface Upgrade linkCLOSED: This project has concluded.The City has completed the road resurfacing, kerb and crossover replacement on Riley Road (between Stone and Hackett) and the road is now fully open to the public.
College Park Pump Track Complete
Share College Park Pump Track Complete on Facebook Share College Park Pump Track Complete on Twitter Share College Park Pump Track Complete on Linkedin Email College Park Pump Track Complete linkCLOSED: This project has concluded.The City has completed its refurbishment and sealing of the College Park Pump Track.
The fencing will be removed on Friday 18 October 2019, once the sealing is fully hardened.Thank you for your patience during this time.
Annual Bushland Spraying Program
Share Annual Bushland Spraying Program on Facebook Share Annual Bushland Spraying Program on Twitter Share Annual Bushland Spraying Program on Linkedin Email Annual Bushland Spraying Program linkCLOSED: This project has concluded.The annual spraying program is now complete and the City will now only have minor weed control for the remainder of the financial year in the following bushland areas:- Shenton Bushland
- Allen Park
- Hollywood Reserve
- Birdwood Parade Bushland
- Point Resolution Bushland
- Mt Claremont Oval Bushland
- Mt Claremont Community Centre
- Swanbourne Estate
The City undertakes environmental weed control to improve biodiversity values and to reduce the negative impacts environmental weeds cause to the ecosystems, for example they compete with native plants, thereby reducing the species and diversity for both flora and fauna.
Montario Quarter recognised as a world leader in sustainability
Share Montario Quarter recognised as a world leader in sustainability on Facebook Share Montario Quarter recognised as a world leader in sustainability on Twitter Share Montario Quarter recognised as a world leader in sustainability on Linkedin Email Montario Quarter recognised as a world leader in sustainability linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City has worked closely with Land Corp in developing Montario Quarter and the northern and central parklands are now open!
Montario Quarter is the perfect place for entertaining, fitness, relaxing, art and fun, and high quality, carefully designed parks and public open spaces will be a key feature as this precinct develops.
The Green Building Council Australia (GBCA) has recognised Montario Quarter as being among the world's leading sustainable developments, through accreditation as a 6-Star Green Star Community.
Receiving GBCA's highest precinct sustainability rating, Montario Quarter was acknowledged for key sustainability elements including:
- More than 25% of the site retained as public open space
- Water-wise landscaping and re-vegetation of the retained bushland using local native species
- Early community engagement to identify local values for the retention of key heritage/environmental features
- Improved building energy and water use performance through sustainable building Design Guidelines
- Encouraging access to local-sourced fresh food, with requirements on developers to install a community garden as part of the development
To view Land Corp's Community, Environment, Heritage and Housing Fact Sheets, visit the document library or visit Land Corp's website for more information on the development.
Youth Grant Consultation
Share Youth Grant Consultation on Facebook Share Youth Grant Consultation on Twitter Share Youth Grant Consultation on Linkedin Email Youth Grant Consultation linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City of Nedlands is currently reviewing the Youth Grants Fund program.
The program aims to support events, projects and activities that provide an opportunity for young people’s participation in the wider community and support their artistic, cultural, community, educational, professional, technological, sporting, recreational, personal and/or social development. Youth Grants are available to Nedlands residents aged 12 -21 years.
We are inviting the community to provide input on the program by participating in a workshop on Wednesday 30 October, 5 pm, at Tresillian Arts Centre, 22 Tyrell Street Nedlands.
To RSVP or submit recommendations via email, please contact the City’s Community Development Officer – Youth, Chris Cottle at or 9273 3500 by Monday 28 October.
To read more about the Youth Grants Fund, visit here.