Railway Reserve Greenway - Stage 5 project to commence

Works begin on 28 May for approximately four weeks to extend the greenway corridor from Karrakatta to the Claremont-Nedlands boundary.
The works will include site preparation, mulching and planting with native trees, shrubs and ground covers that are found naturally in the region.
It is expected that the work will be completed by the end of June.
The work will be undertaken in three areas (click on the heading above to view images of the proposed areas):
- The largest section extends along the eastern side of Stubbs Terrace from Karrakatta train station south to the Claremont Nedlands boundary.
- The second area extends along the western side of Stubbs Terrace just south of the Nagal Underpass and north of Quintilian Road.
- With the third section on the west side of Railway Road just south Nagal Underpass.
The corridor areas will be planted with Waterwise native trees, shrubs and ground covers in June. Approximately 4500 locally occurring native shrubs and ground covers will be planted. All species are local provenance native species that naturally occur in the region.
Updates on the project will occur in a News Feed on this engagement page.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.