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The City is committed to working with you to understand and utilise your views, concerns, and aspirations, to guide sustainable outcomes in our decision-making processes to strengthen community cohesion, city amenity and the quality of life for the local community.
Our online community engagement hub, Your Voice Nedlands provides you and the community with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions of Council. The hub also gives us an avenue to communicate decisions and activities.
This page is regularly updated with news such as infrastructure, closures and events.
The City is committed to working with you to understand and utilise your views, concerns, and aspirations, to guide sustainable outcomes in our decision-making processes to strengthen community cohesion, city amenity and the quality of life for the local community.
Our online community engagement hub, Your Voice Nedlands provides you and the community with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions of Council. The hub also gives us an avenue to communicate decisions and activities.
This page is regularly updated with news such as infrastructure, closures and events.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.
Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes
Share Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Facebook Share Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Twitter Share Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Linkedin Email Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The consultation level was limited and inconclusive, with 4 in support, 3 against and 1 neutral. consultation responses included concerns over where workers would park, and confirmation of commuter use of the parking bays.
Given the mixed response, administration did not provide a strong view, but recommended a limited application of the parking restrictions to 6 bays, leaving 2 bays available for all-day parking. This would discourage commuter use, whilst still leaving options for workers by encouraging turnover of parking bays.
Council subsequently approved this approach for implementation at the Council meeting on 23 February 2016.
Bulimba Road - Parking Restrictions
Share Bulimba Road - Parking Restrictions on Facebook Share Bulimba Road - Parking Restrictions on Twitter Share Bulimba Road - Parking Restrictions on Linkedin Email Bulimba Road - Parking Restrictions linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The results of the community consultation indicated support for the three hour parking restriction from 8am – 5pm (east end corner), Monday to Friday and ‘No Parking’ from 8am – 5pm (west end corner), Monday to Friday.
These restrictions were subsequently approved for implementation at the Council Meeting on 22 March 2016.
Results to support this are indicated in the table below.
Feedback that was in support of the parking restriction
Feedback that opposed the parking restriction
Providing there parking restrictions will increase the functionality of the parking. This will create a turnover of bays so that a greater number of users can access them. This will provide a better amenity for residents in the area who are largely affected by long term parking.
Sustainable Nedlands
Share Sustainable Nedlands on Facebook Share Sustainable Nedlands on Twitter Share Sustainable Nedlands on Linkedin Email Sustainable Nedlands linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Two free workshops on sustainability were conducted during April 2016. The topics were:
- Natural Gardening for Food and Ecology
- Beyond changing the light bulbs - retrofitting your home for energy efficiency
Thank you for attending the workshops and providing feedback. The feedback will be used to plan for future workshops.
Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes
Share Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Facebook Share Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Twitter Share Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Linkedin Email Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The results of the community consultation indicated support for the three hour parking restriction from 8am – 5pm (east end corner), Monday to Friday and ‘No Parking’ from 8am – 5pm (west end corner), Monday to Friday. These restrictions were subsequently approved for implementation at the Council Meeting on 22 March 2016.
Results to support this are indicated in the table below.
Feedback that was in support of the parking restriction
Feedback that opposed the parking restriction
Providing there parking restrictions will increase the functionality of the parking. This will create a turnover of bays so that a greater number of users can access them. This will provide a better amenity for residents in the area who are largely affected by long term parking.
2016 City of Nedlands Calendar
Share 2016 City of Nedlands Calendar on Facebook Share 2016 City of Nedlands Calendar on Twitter Share 2016 City of Nedlands Calendar on Linkedin Email 2016 City of Nedlands Calendar linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Thank you for your responses to our community calendar. Overall we had 99 visits to the engagement page.
Bulimba Road - Road Resurfacing and Associated Works
Share Bulimba Road - Road Resurfacing and Associated Works on Facebook Share Bulimba Road - Road Resurfacing and Associated Works on Twitter Share Bulimba Road - Road Resurfacing and Associated Works on Linkedin Email Bulimba Road - Road Resurfacing and Associated Works linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Road resurfacing and associated works will commence on 11 April 2016. Works will be undertaken between Stirling Highway and Princess Road and include:
- Kerb removal and preparation works
- Installation of new drainage pits
- Removing the existing surface
- Road resurfacing and new kerbs
- Finishing works
The works are scheduled for completion within a ten week time frame.
Road closures will be in place with detours around the work site. Local traffic will continue to have access whilst closures are in place. The on-site traffic controllers will be happy to assist with any questions. There will be periods of time (up to 4 hours) following the laying of the new asphalt road surface where entry will not be permitted. This is to ensure that the new surface is laid and finished correctly.
Please contact the City on 9273 3500 or if you have any queries or comments.
Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes
Share Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Facebook Share Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Twitter Share Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Linkedin Email Baird Avenue - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Thank you for your feedback on a proposal to alter the parking restrictions for the regular and long-term parking along Baird Avenue following concerns raised by the community.
A proposal for proposed changes to parking restrictions to reduce regular and long-term parking along Baird Avenue has been submitted to the March Council Meeting.
Following consultation it has been confirmed that the community is in favour of these restrictions.
Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes
Share Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Facebook Share Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Twitter Share Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes on Linkedin Email Asquith Park/Olearia Lane - Parking Restrictions - Outcomes linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Thank you for your feedback.
There is a very high demand for short-term parking in and around the Mount Claremont Shopping Centre as the majority of bays are time restricted, with all-day parking available in the spaces adjacent to Asquith Park in Olearia Lane.
As a result consideration is being given to changing the all-day spaces to restricted parking to provide additional parking for Shopping Centre users.
The City is proposing to implement '4 hour' timed parking restrictions in the eight (8) adjacent to Asquith Park in Olearia Lane to apply between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday
A report is being prepared for Council consideration during February/March 2016.
College Park - fitness equipment installation
Share College Park - fitness equipment installation on Facebook Share College Park - fitness equipment installation on Twitter Share College Park - fitness equipment installation on Linkedin Email College Park - fitness equipment installation linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Following community engagement and a Council Resolution, the City has installed a range of ParkFit fitness equipment at College Park, Princess Road, Nedlands. Almost 80% of respondents indicated the preference to the chosen location.
This equipment complements the Youth Recreation Area and existing fitness equipment, catering for exercise to a wide range of muscle groups. Park users of various ages will enjoy the fitness and health benefits offered by this new installation. Small plaques give instructions on the correct techniques.
In keeping with the aesthetics of the park and the public’s desire to keep College Park as natural as possible, the equipment was installed in-ground, rather than constructing several concrete bases.
Kinninmont Avenue - Road resurfacing and associated works
Share Kinninmont Avenue - Road resurfacing and associated works on Facebook Share Kinninmont Avenue - Road resurfacing and associated works on Twitter Share Kinninmont Avenue - Road resurfacing and associated works on Linkedin Email Kinninmont Avenue - Road resurfacing and associated works linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Thank you for your feedback.
The resurfacing and maintenance works for the section of Kinninmont Avenue from Stirling Highway to Karella Street West is due to be undertaken by in early 2016. These works have provided the opportunity to install formalised parking bays on the east side and upgrade the existing non-standard bays on the west side at the intersection of Kinninmont and Stirling Highway to provide a safer parking option for residents and businesses.
The road resurfacing and associated works are scheduled to commence late February/early March 2016.