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The City is committed to working with you to understand and utilise your views, concerns, and aspirations, to guide sustainable outcomes in our decision-making processes to strengthen community cohesion, city amenity and the quality of life for the local community.
Our online community engagement hub, Your Voice Nedlands provides you and the community with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions of Council. The hub also gives us an avenue to communicate decisions and activities.
This page is regularly updated with news such as infrastructure, closures and events.
The City is committed to working with you to understand and utilise your views, concerns, and aspirations, to guide sustainable outcomes in our decision-making processes to strengthen community cohesion, city amenity and the quality of life for the local community.
Our online community engagement hub, Your Voice Nedlands provides you and the community with the opportunity to offer genuine input into a broad range of projects, activities and decisions of Council. The hub also gives us an avenue to communicate decisions and activities.
This page is regularly updated with news such as infrastructure, closures and events.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.
Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves
Share Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves on Facebook Share Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves on Twitter Share Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves on Linkedin Email Herbicide Application Notification - Road Reserves linkCLOSED: This project has concluded.Due to poor weather conditions, The City's licensed contractors will now undertake weed control on road reserves during August and September.
An application of glyphosate will be applied to road kerbs, traffic islands, footpaths, and shared use paths for the eradication of annual and perennial weeds and grasses.
This herbicide is being applied in accordance with the product requirements, as is required by WA State and Australian Government legislation.
This treatment will not be carried out adjacent to properties where residents have registered to be included on the City's non-spray register.
Further details may be obtained by contacting the City's Project Manager, Craig New on 9273 3500 or
Thank you for your patience while this work is being undertaken.
Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ) Dalkeith: road surface upgrade and associated works
Share Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ) Dalkeith: road surface upgrade and associated works on Facebook Share Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ) Dalkeith: road surface upgrade and associated works on Twitter Share Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ) Dalkeith: road surface upgrade and associated works on Linkedin Email Riley Road (Stone to Hackett ) Dalkeith: road surface upgrade and associated works linkCLOSED: This project has concluded.The City has appointed contractors, Roads 2000 to undertake road resurfacing, kerb and crossover replacement, from Monday, 23 September for a period of four weeks, Monday to Friday, from 7am to 5pm.
Road closures will be required, however local traffic will continue to have access. Detours will be place to enable motorists and pedestrians to move safely around the work site.
For day-to-day operational enquiries, please contact Roads 2000 Project Manager, James Beier on 0403 546 211.
For other enquiries, please contact the City's Project Manager, Myles Bovell on 9273 3500, or email
College Park Pump Track
Share College Park Pump Track on Facebook Share College Park Pump Track on Twitter Share College Park Pump Track on Linkedin Email College Park Pump Track linkCLOSED: This project has concluded.Please be advised that works are due to commence on the refurbishment and sealing of the College Park Pump Track on Tuesday 1 October. To facilitate this, the area will be drained and the blocked drains cleared on Thursday 26 September.
Temporary fencing will be going up on Tuesday 1 October and works are expected to be complete by Tuesday 15 October.
The City recognises the timing may be unfortunate with school holidays, however we believe the long term benefits will far outweigh any inconvenience.
Annual Bushland Spraying Program - Update
Share Annual Bushland Spraying Program - Update on Facebook Share Annual Bushland Spraying Program - Update on Twitter Share Annual Bushland Spraying Program - Update on Linkedin Email Annual Bushland Spraying Program - Update linkCLOSED: This project has concluded.Environmental weeds cause erosion, alter water availability, change soil nutrients, increase the likelihood of bush fires and change the vegetation communities within bushland areas. The annual spraying program is being undertaken by Contractors from July through to October 2019 to control environmental weeds in the following bushland areas:- Shenton Bushland
- Allen Park
- Hollywood Reserve
- Birdwood Parade Bushland
- Point Resolution Bushland
- Mt Claremont Oval Bushland
- Mt Claremont Community Centre
- Swanbourne Estate
The City will be focusing on the control of bulbous weeds, and annual and perennial grass weeds using the herbicides listed below:
- Metsulfuron-methyl and 2 2-DPA (Dalapon): used to control bulbous weeds
- Glyphosate: used in conjunction with metsulfuron-methyl to control bulbous weeds
- Fusilade: used to control annual and perennial grass weeds.
Signage will be displayed whilst these works are occurring.
The City undertakes environmental weed control to improve biodiversity values and to reduce the negative impacts environmental weeds cause to the ecosystems, for example they compete with native plants, thereby reducing the species and diversity for both flora and fauna.
For further information, please contact Vicki Shannon, the City's Environmental Conservation Coordinator on (08) 9273 3500, or email
Rochdale Road - Bollard Installation
Share Rochdale Road - Bollard Installation on Facebook Share Rochdale Road - Bollard Installation on Twitter Share Rochdale Road - Bollard Installation on Linkedin Email Rochdale Road - Bollard Installation linkCLOSED: This project has concluded.The City has appointed contractors Protek 24/7 to undertake the replacement of existing bollards on Rochdale Road, between Alfred Road and Haldane Street. The works will commence on Monday 23 September, 2019 and will be undertaken during weekdays, between the hours of 9:00am - 2:45pm.
Traffic management will be in place around the work site to ensure the smooth flow of traffic. The works should be completed within a two-day timeframe; however this is dependent on the weather and resources.
For further enquiries, please contact the City's representative Jason Spyker on (08) 9273 3500. -
2019 Royal Perth Show Parking Restrictions
Share 2019 Royal Perth Show Parking Restrictions on Facebook Share 2019 Royal Perth Show Parking Restrictions on Twitter Share 2019 Royal Perth Show Parking Restrictions on Linkedin Email 2019 Royal Perth Show Parking Restrictions linkCLOSED: This event has concluded.The Perth Royal Show will be taking place from the 28 September to 5 October 2019. The City will be implementing a number of parking controls in relation to resident and verge parking, along with implementing temporary parking restrictions to ensure public safety during this time, as follows.TEMPORARY PARKING RESTRICTIONSTemporary parking restrictions will occur in a number of streets around the Claremont Showgrounds precinct (refer to map in the document library). The restrictions will only apply to the days of the event.Any vehicles parking inconsistent with the displayed signage may receive an infringement notice.RESIDENT PARKINGThe City will not be issuing parking permits to residents. If temporary restrictions apply to the area in which you reside, you need to seek alternative parking arrangements during this time.VERGE PARKINGIf vehicles are parked on your verge without your consent, please contact the City's Ranger Services (see below). An officer will attend, and may issue an infringement to the vehicle owner.For enquiries, please contact the Ranger Services on (08) 9273 3500 during office hours or email City's Ranger Services will be patrolling these areas whilst this event is occurring. Please adhere to the signage to avoid an infringement.There is further information on the Town of Claremont’s website.
Charles Court Reserve - Outdoor Fitness Equipment Replaced
Share Charles Court Reserve - Outdoor Fitness Equipment Replaced on Facebook Share Charles Court Reserve - Outdoor Fitness Equipment Replaced on Twitter Share Charles Court Reserve - Outdoor Fitness Equipment Replaced on Linkedin Email Charles Court Reserve - Outdoor Fitness Equipment Replaced linkCLOSED: This project has been completed.The City is thrilled to provide new and improved outdoor fitness equipment at Charles Court Reserve, located along the river front, midway down the reserve.
The previous equipment had been installed in May 2009 and although a little out dated, they were all still functional and used on a regular basis.It was agreed that the City would be best practice to provide like for like or as close as possible to the previous equipment installed. These included the Aerobic Walker, Body Twist, Cycle Seat and Oblique Pivot.
Swanbourne Oval rehabilitation
Share Swanbourne Oval rehabilitation on Facebook Share Swanbourne Oval rehabilitation on Twitter Share Swanbourne Oval rehabilitation on Linkedin Email Swanbourne Oval rehabilitation linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Work is progressing steadily with the rehabilitation of Swanbourne Oval to with a number of factors relating to the project requiring a staged approach. However it is anticipated that work will be completed by October.
The leveling of the oval will commence soon together with the installation of the irrigation system, cricket wicket, parks furniture and the establishment of the new grass surface. The car park and pathways are currently undergoing design review. Once this has been completed major components of the rehabilitation works will re-commence.
Minor works on roads, footpaths, bus stops and drainage
Share Minor works on roads, footpaths, bus stops and drainage on Facebook Share Minor works on roads, footpaths, bus stops and drainage on Twitter Share Minor works on roads, footpaths, bus stops and drainage on Linkedin Email Minor works on roads, footpaths, bus stops and drainage linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City together with contractors have completed or currently progressing with a range of minor works as follows:
- Bus stops near John XXIII College (SN19482 and SN19479) upgrade and inclusion of disability access and installation of a new shelter: completed.
- Remediation to the footpath and kerb area on the western side of Montgomery Avenue from Alfred Road to the carpark at Mt Claremont: postponed until 30 September due to the underground power project.
- All drainage pits and road eduction along the City’s distributor roads will be cleaned: 50% complete.
- Citywide sweeping: commencing on 19 August.
Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration - Update
Share Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration - Update on Facebook Share Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration - Update on Twitter Share Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration - Update on Linkedin Email Point Resolution Reserve - River foreshore restoration - Update linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City hosted the School Tree Day with Dalkeith Primary School to plant another 1200 foreshore species on 26 July. Ongoing maintenance and weed control will continue in the coming months.
For queries, please contact the City's Environmental Conservation department on (08) 9273 3500 or email Further updates will be posted on this page.