Bulimba Road - Road Resurfacing and Associated Works

Road resurfacing and associated works will commence on 11 April 2016. Works will be undertaken between Stirling Highway and Princess Road and include:
- Kerb removal and preparation works
- Installation of new drainage pits
- Removing the existing surface
- Road resurfacing and new kerbs
- Finishing works
The works are scheduled for completion within a ten week time frame.
Road closures will be in place with detours around the work site. Local traffic will continue to have access whilst closures are in place. The on-site traffic controllers will be happy to assist with any questions. There will be periods of time (up to 4 hours) following the laying of the new asphalt road surface where entry will not be permitted. This is to ensure that the new surface is laid and finished correctly.
Please contact the City on 9273 3500 or council@nedlands.wa.gov.au if you have any queries or comments.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.