Standard Development Applications

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The City of Nedlands receives numerous development applications each year which require community consultation for numerous reasons such as the City requiring the use of discretion in decision making or the type of development application requiring community consultation as per City Policy.

This engagement page is a central place to view and provide submissions on all current development applications of a standard or basic nature such as single and grouped dwelling developments, home business applications and change of use applications. Significant development applications will be advertised on a separate page.

For an overview of the Western Australian planning system, including how public advertising fits into the assessment of development applications, see here.

Community input helps the City in making decisions to approve applications with or without conditions - or to refuse applications.

How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?

You can:

  • Read the plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposal (see document library).
  • Read the FAQs.
  • Read relevant information on the City's Planning Framework (see document library).
  • Contact the Planning Officer listed on the development application if you have any questions.
  • View the plans at the City’s Administration, 71 Stirling Highway, Nedlands (corner Smyth Road).

To make a submission

  • Email:
  • Mail: Post to City of Nedlands, PO Box 9, Nedlands WA 6909.

Important information:

  • Please make sure your submission is received by 5pm on the closing date.
  • Anonymous submissions will not be accepted.
  • The City will not reproduce any comments it considers offensive or defamatory.
  • Read the information provided.
  • Late submissions cannot be accepted.

Remember to visit this page to stay updated on the progress of development applications.

The City of Nedlands receives numerous development applications each year which require community consultation for numerous reasons such as the City requiring the use of discretion in decision making or the type of development application requiring community consultation as per City Policy.

This engagement page is a central place to view and provide submissions on all current development applications of a standard or basic nature such as single and grouped dwelling developments, home business applications and change of use applications. Significant development applications will be advertised on a separate page.

For an overview of the Western Australian planning system, including how public advertising fits into the assessment of development applications, see here.

Community input helps the City in making decisions to approve applications with or without conditions - or to refuse applications.

How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?

You can:

  • Read the plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposal (see document library).
  • Read the FAQs.
  • Read relevant information on the City's Planning Framework (see document library).
  • Contact the Planning Officer listed on the development application if you have any questions.
  • View the plans at the City’s Administration, 71 Stirling Highway, Nedlands (corner Smyth Road).

To make a submission

  • Email:
  • Mail: Post to City of Nedlands, PO Box 9, Nedlands WA 6909.

Important information:

  • Please make sure your submission is received by 5pm on the closing date.
  • Anonymous submissions will not be accepted.
  • The City will not reproduce any comments it considers offensive or defamatory.
  • Read the information provided.
  • Late submissions cannot be accepted.

Remember to visit this page to stay updated on the progress of development applications.

Ask Us a Question

Do you have a question in relation to advertising development applications? If so, please ask us here. Questions specific to a development application should be directed to

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  • Share Why am I not notified that plans have been submitted for the neighbouring property? I am not given the opportunity to review them or make comments before they are closed for comment? on Facebook Share Why am I not notified that plans have been submitted for the neighbouring property? I am not given the opportunity to review them or make comments before they are closed for comment? on Twitter Share Why am I not notified that plans have been submitted for the neighbouring property? I am not given the opportunity to review them or make comments before they are closed for comment? on Linkedin Email Why am I not notified that plans have been submitted for the neighbouring property? I am not given the opportunity to review them or make comments before they are closed for comment? link

    Why am I not notified that plans have been submitted for the neighbouring property? I am not given the opportunity to review them or make comments before they are closed for comment?

    Melinda asked almost 3 years ago

    Hi Melinda, please email or call 9273 3500 and a planning officer will be able to assist!

  • Share when is the new King Edward Hospital sight expected to be submitted for approval? on Facebook Share when is the new King Edward Hospital sight expected to be submitted for approval? on Twitter Share when is the new King Edward Hospital sight expected to be submitted for approval? on Linkedin Email when is the new King Edward Hospital sight expected to be submitted for approval? link

    when is the new King Edward Hospital sight expected to be submitted for approval?

    kevin bain asked about 4 years ago

    Hi Kevin, King Edward Hospital falls under the City of Subiaco catchment so you will need to contact the Subiaco council for further information. Take care!

  • Share Why are you allowing planning applications in the City of Nedlands to take down every tree on the block, strip it bare and allow these huge concrete monstrous houses to be built with no grass, no greenery, all tile, concrete and flat roofs. Not only do they look awful but they’re totally out of place with the traditional leafy suburb. Why allow beautiful period homes surrounded by trees that not only allow shade but also provide life to be obliterated? There needs to be tree preservation orders. Look at green Sydney is and the tree cover there. Why does Perth have be a barren concrete & tarmac desolate city? Why in the public open spaces do you allow dogs off leash and not enforce fines? These are plenty of dogs off leash parks but the ones that do require leashes, no one bothers to comply, there’s dog shit everywhere & dogs running wild. These public open spaces that the city loves are littered with empty wine bottles & empty alcohol cans each morning when I take my dog that’s on a lead for a walk. Why don’t you check out these public open spaces and see for yourself how the Public really behaves in these areas. Why does the City of Nedlands allow dog owners to walk their dogs off leash along the verge to shit in people’s gardens, pee in plants on private properties & walk down driveways? Why does the city allow some lorries to be parked on public verges as there is at Mason Gardens Dalkeith when in other areas it’s not permittted? on Facebook Share Why are you allowing planning applications in the City of Nedlands to take down every tree on the block, strip it bare and allow these huge concrete monstrous houses to be built with no grass, no greenery, all tile, concrete and flat roofs. Not only do they look awful but they’re totally out of place with the traditional leafy suburb. Why allow beautiful period homes surrounded by trees that not only allow shade but also provide life to be obliterated? There needs to be tree preservation orders. Look at green Sydney is and the tree cover there. Why does Perth have be a barren concrete & tarmac desolate city? Why in the public open spaces do you allow dogs off leash and not enforce fines? These are plenty of dogs off leash parks but the ones that do require leashes, no one bothers to comply, there’s dog shit everywhere & dogs running wild. These public open spaces that the city loves are littered with empty wine bottles & empty alcohol cans each morning when I take my dog that’s on a lead for a walk. Why don’t you check out these public open spaces and see for yourself how the Public really behaves in these areas. Why does the City of Nedlands allow dog owners to walk their dogs off leash along the verge to shit in people’s gardens, pee in plants on private properties & walk down driveways? Why does the city allow some lorries to be parked on public verges as there is at Mason Gardens Dalkeith when in other areas it’s not permittted? on Twitter Share Why are you allowing planning applications in the City of Nedlands to take down every tree on the block, strip it bare and allow these huge concrete monstrous houses to be built with no grass, no greenery, all tile, concrete and flat roofs. Not only do they look awful but they’re totally out of place with the traditional leafy suburb. Why allow beautiful period homes surrounded by trees that not only allow shade but also provide life to be obliterated? There needs to be tree preservation orders. Look at green Sydney is and the tree cover there. Why does Perth have be a barren concrete & tarmac desolate city? Why in the public open spaces do you allow dogs off leash and not enforce fines? These are plenty of dogs off leash parks but the ones that do require leashes, no one bothers to comply, there’s dog shit everywhere & dogs running wild. These public open spaces that the city loves are littered with empty wine bottles & empty alcohol cans each morning when I take my dog that’s on a lead for a walk. Why don’t you check out these public open spaces and see for yourself how the Public really behaves in these areas. Why does the City of Nedlands allow dog owners to walk their dogs off leash along the verge to shit in people’s gardens, pee in plants on private properties & walk down driveways? Why does the city allow some lorries to be parked on public verges as there is at Mason Gardens Dalkeith when in other areas it’s not permittted? on Linkedin Email Why are you allowing planning applications in the City of Nedlands to take down every tree on the block, strip it bare and allow these huge concrete monstrous houses to be built with no grass, no greenery, all tile, concrete and flat roofs. Not only do they look awful but they’re totally out of place with the traditional leafy suburb. Why allow beautiful period homes surrounded by trees that not only allow shade but also provide life to be obliterated? There needs to be tree preservation orders. Look at green Sydney is and the tree cover there. Why does Perth have be a barren concrete & tarmac desolate city? Why in the public open spaces do you allow dogs off leash and not enforce fines? These are plenty of dogs off leash parks but the ones that do require leashes, no one bothers to comply, there’s dog shit everywhere & dogs running wild. These public open spaces that the city loves are littered with empty wine bottles & empty alcohol cans each morning when I take my dog that’s on a lead for a walk. Why don’t you check out these public open spaces and see for yourself how the Public really behaves in these areas. Why does the City of Nedlands allow dog owners to walk their dogs off leash along the verge to shit in people’s gardens, pee in plants on private properties & walk down driveways? Why does the city allow some lorries to be parked on public verges as there is at Mason Gardens Dalkeith when in other areas it’s not permittted? link

    Why are you allowing planning applications in the City of Nedlands to take down every tree on the block, strip it bare and allow these huge concrete monstrous houses to be built with no grass, no greenery, all tile, concrete and flat roofs. Not only do they look awful but they’re totally out of place with the traditional leafy suburb. Why allow beautiful period homes surrounded by trees that not only allow shade but also provide life to be obliterated? There needs to be tree preservation orders. Look at green Sydney is and the tree cover there. Why does Perth have be a barren concrete & tarmac desolate city? Why in the public open spaces do you allow dogs off leash and not enforce fines? These are plenty of dogs off leash parks but the ones that do require leashes, no one bothers to comply, there’s dog shit everywhere & dogs running wild. These public open spaces that the city loves are littered with empty wine bottles & empty alcohol cans each morning when I take my dog that’s on a lead for a walk. Why don’t you check out these public open spaces and see for yourself how the Public really behaves in these areas. Why does the City of Nedlands allow dog owners to walk their dogs off leash along the verge to shit in people’s gardens, pee in plants on private properties & walk down driveways? Why does the city allow some lorries to be parked on public verges as there is at Mason Gardens Dalkeith when in other areas it’s not permittted?

    JacksAli asked almost 6 years ago

    Thank you for your question and apologise for the delay in responding. The responses to your questions required the input of several officers and we respond as follows:

    1. The City of Nedlands uses the Residential Design Codes for residential development. For single and grouped dwelling developments, there is no requirement to retain trees on site. There is difficulty in enforcing retention of trees on private property as the City has limited enforcement capabilities to require retention as the City also has to prove the tree was in good health prior to its removal and also provide evidence of the company/person who removed the tree. The City can however control streets trees in verges and require retention of street trees wherever possible – especially trees of significant value. 
    2. Rangers do not allow people to walk their dog off lead and have issued caution and infringement notices in the past to dog owners failing to comply. Rangers also issue notices to dog owners failing to control their dog in dog exercise areas. If you could specify where these alleged offences are taking place and approximate times of day, the Rangers can perform targeted patrols at that time of day.

Page last updated: 31 Mar 2025, 04:00 AM