Swanbourne Beach Oval - Rehabilitation Works
Swanbourne Beach Oval will be closing from Monday, 11 March 2019, for a period of up to four months to undertake improvements to the oval's surface and surrounds.
Works will be undertaken weekdays, between the hours of 7am and 5pm.
The site will be secured with temporary fencing to ensure a safe work site and area for people moving around the site. There will be some minor and temporary inconvenience at times to footpaths and local traffic in and around the site during the works. In addition, due to the nature of the works, trucks will be accessing the site at various intervals with materials. The access route will be from the West Coast Highway/North Street/Marine Parade.
The rehabilitation works will include:
- Levelling the oval surface with a compactor
- Installing a new irrigation system
- Constructing a new cricket wicket
- Establishing new turf
- Installing new park furniture
- Reverting areas of existing turf to eco-zones (bush revegetation)
These works are being carried out in accordance with the approved Allen Park Master Plan endorsed by Council at its meeting on 19 December 2017.
For queries, please contact the City's Project Supervisor, Mr Craig New on 9273 3500 or at council@nedlands.wa.gov.au. Further updates in relation to this project will be posted on this page.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.