Railway Road, Gugeri Street Intersection with Loch Street - Intersection Upgrade
Consultation has concluded

The City of Nedlands have been awarded a grant of $461,000 in Federal Blackspot funding to undertake an upgrade of the intersection of Railway Road and Gugeri Street with Loch Street to improve road safety following a high number of crashes in the area.
The City of Nedlands, the Town of Claremont, businesses and stakeholders in the area have been working together to ensure the best design meets the needs of increasing road and pedestrian safety at the intersection and the area more generally.
The improvements will include median island widening, lane realignments, installation of pedestrian traffic lights, lighting, kerbs and drainage, and upgrades to the footpath.
The safety issues at the intersection have been recognised by the Australian Government’s Blackspot Program and the funding for the upgrade to the intersection goes a long way to help enhance and improve road safety within the City.
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- Reviewing the new design in the document library
- Asking us a question using the Ask us a Question tab and we will respond
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