Railway Road, Gugeri Street Intersection with Loch Street - Intersection Upgrade

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Nedlands have been awarded a grant of $461,000 in Federal Blackspot funding to undertake an upgrade of the intersection of Railway Road and Gugeri Street with Loch Street to improve road safety following a high number of crashes in the area.

The City of Nedlands, the Town of Claremont, businesses and stakeholders in the area have been working together to ensure the best design meets the needs of increasing road and pedestrian safety at the intersection and the area more generally.

The improvements will include median island widening, lane realignments, installation of pedestrian traffic lights, lighting, kerbs and drainage, and upgrades to the footpath.

The safety issues at the intersection have been recognised by the Australian Government’s Blackspot Program and the funding for the upgrade to the intersection goes a long way to help enhance and improve road safety within the City.

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All feedback received by, or provided by the City, along with project updates, particularly closer to construction will be displayed on this engagement page.

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The City of Nedlands have been awarded a grant of $461,000 in Federal Blackspot funding to undertake an upgrade of the intersection of Railway Road and Gugeri Street with Loch Street to improve road safety following a high number of crashes in the area.

The City of Nedlands, the Town of Claremont, businesses and stakeholders in the area have been working together to ensure the best design meets the needs of increasing road and pedestrian safety at the intersection and the area more generally.

The improvements will include median island widening, lane realignments, installation of pedestrian traffic lights, lighting, kerbs and drainage, and upgrades to the footpath.

The safety issues at the intersection have been recognised by the Australian Government’s Blackspot Program and the funding for the upgrade to the intersection goes a long way to help enhance and improve road safety within the City.

How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?

You can find out more by:

All feedback received by, or provided by the City, along with project updates, particularly closer to construction will be displayed on this engagement page.

To be notified of other community engagement projects being undertaken by the City, please register, by clicking on the 'Register to get involved' tab at the top of this page.

Guest Book

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Consultation has concluded
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As a frequent user of this intersection I wish to offer the following comments. My use is threefold. I cross the road from the cemetery to catch the train as well as drive up Loch St. and turn right into Railway Road to get to Subiaco and Selby Street. Thirdly I drive from Claremont and turn right into Loch St as it is quite difficult to turn right at the previous lights. I live between Carrington Road and Stirling Highway.
I welcome the upgrade and installation of pedestrian lights subject to the following comments.
The lights should be operated on demand rather than turn red when there are no pedestrians crossing the road. The lights should be where the current "crossing" is - people will not want to go into the station carpark to get to the train nor walk to the train from the eastern end of this carpark.
On the design there appears to be a "slip" lane to turn right into Loch from Gugeri - this is great as it will make it safer to leave the lights at the previous intersection and there is more chance that your indicator has been noticed over that short distance. Most importantly both roads need to retain 2 lanes of traffic in both directions - it is difficult to see from the plan if there are two westbound lanes after turning left from Loch into Gugeri - there needs to be as the traffic at times is quite heavy. Furthermore if it is only a single lane it would need to take traffic turning left from Loch as well as the two westbound lanes passing the cemetery. Similarly there need to be two east bound lanes as well as the slipway as the road changes from Gugeri to Railway as it passes Loch Street. Realigning the median strip at the end of Loch Street looks good but designers need to be aware of the popularity of turning right from Loch into Railway. This allows people living in our area to travel East as there has not been a history of being allowed to turn right from Chancellor into Gugeri.
Overall, the increase in housing density in the Claremont area requires at least a maintainence of the traffic carrying capacity of the roads, hence the need for two lanes in both directions as well as any slip lanes.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed plan.

JMB about 8 years ago