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Have your say on the future of the Broadway Precinct! The City is inviting comment on the draft Broadway Precinct Design Response Local Planning Policy until 25 September 2022. You can view the draft Policy here, and make a submission here.
The City is hosting a Community Information Session on the Policy, where members of the community can view the Policy and talk to a Planner.
Wednesday, 31 August 2022
5 - 7pm
Dalkeith Hall
Please RSVP here.
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Last year, the University of Western Australia released the 2020 UWA Crawley Campus Masterplan. As outlined in the Masterplan, the University has considered a variety of options for its landholdings, to ensure a comprehensive approach to planning for the future use of its sites and main campuses.
Part of this process has been an investigation into alternate uses for its Nedlands campus and Park Avenue site. Further information can be found HERE.
Sign up HERE to help inform future site planning for UWA’s Nedlands campus and Park Avenue site.
The Planning Process
The University has decided to pursue a planning process to investigate potential alternative uses of both the Nedlands Campus and Park Avenue site. This process will involve the development of a plan to guide future use of the sites.
An expert team of consultants has recently been appointed and they will provide advice to the University throughout this process.
The Engagement Process
The University will commence engagement activities in early 2022, and is calling staff, students and the community to register to participate.
The University has contracted an expert team of consultants, including independent community engagement consultants Creating Communities who will facilitate the engagement process.
By registering to be involved in the engagement process, stakeholders and the community will be invited to participate in a range of engagement activities including a survey, focus groups, workshops and drop-in sessions.
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The Outcomes Report from the Community Reference Group workshops is now available. The report and appendices can be downloaded from the Document Library on the right hand side of this webpage.
The Outcomes Report will be updated with the outcomes of the Open House and Survey, once the survey period closes.
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The City is aware that some community members have experienced technical issues with completing the online survey. These have now been rectified and the open period for the survey has been extended. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
You now have until 5pm Sunday 24 October 2021 to complete the survey.
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The City hosted an Open House at Adam Armstrong Pavilion on Monday, 4 October 2021 between 5pm - 7pm.
The event was well attended by local community members, who provided feedback on key messages from the Broadway Community Reference Group.
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The City is currently collecting information that will inform the Broadway Precinct Local Planning Policy and is inviting community comment.
This survey is one of a number of engagement activities the City is using to collect information to guide the future of the Broadway Precinct.
When creating a framework for a great place, there are many elements that contribute to its success. The survey will go through each of these so that we can better understand your vision for the Broadway Precinct.
Complete survey HERE.
The survey has been extended and now closes on Sunday 24 October 2021.
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Have your say on the Broadway Precinct Local Planning Policy!
The City is hosting an open house at Adam Armstrong Pavilion on Monday, 4 October 2021 between 5 - 7pm.
To help us ascertain numbers, please RSVP here by 5pm, Thursday 30 September 2021.
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The third workshop for the Broadway Precinct was held on Wednesday 8 September 2021. Eight members of the Broadway Community Reference Group (CRG) were in attendance.
The workshop provided CRG members with an opportunity to review the findings and outcomes from the previous two workshops, as well as confirm the vision for the Precinct.
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The second workshop for the Broadway Precinct was held on Saturday 21 August 2021. Twelve members of the Broadway Community Reference Group (CRG) were in attendance.
This workshop involved detailed discussions around the themes of land use, streetscape, built form, landscaping, interfaces and access/parking.
The key outcomes from Workshop 1 and 2 are currently being reviewed and summarised. An outcomes report from these workshops will soon be published on this page as soon as it is available.
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The first workshop for the Broadway Precinct was held on Thursday 5 August 2021. Eight members of the Broadway Community Reference Group (CRG) were in attendance.
This workshop provided CRG members with an overview of the City’s previous work within the Broadway Precinct, an introduction to the overall engagement program and an introduction to the built form themes the CRG will be working with in later workshops. The current and future desired character of the Broadway Precinct was also explored.