Why is the City doing planning for the Broadway Precinct?

    The City of Nedlands is undertaking an important initiative to develop a local planning framework that will respond to the higher densities and changes in zoning that were introduced into the City's Local Planning Scheme No.3. 

    As a result of these changes, the Precinct has been experiencing significant development pressure. To help better support decision making processes and ensure that the local planning framework which underpins decisions made by the City and Council is appropriate to the Nedlands context, the City has been working on developing a suite of local planning policies and related strategic planning responses to address this. 

    Where is the Broadway Precinct Area?

    The Broadway Precinct straddles both the Melvista and Dalkeith Wards. It extends from Stirling Highway, southwards towards the river, following the alignment of Broadway. At the northern extent, its western boundary is delineated by Bruce Street to the west and Edwards Street to the south. The western extent of the Precinct runs parallel to Broadway along Kingsway until it intersects with Melvista Avenue. The southern extent of the Precinct is defined by The Esplanade to the south. 

    How does this work fit into the work being done for the UWA-QEII Specialised Activity Centre?

    The UWA QEII precinct is a major economic hub in Perth and is strategically important for the State’s economy. As these major institutions evolve and expand, the surrounding neighbourhood is also changing, with greater demand for housing and shops near to this major activity. 

    In addition, the State anticipates that by the year 2050, the population of Perth will rise to 3.5 million. In order to accommodate this population growth in an efficient and cost-effective manner, the State Government has established a target for residential intensification within existing urban areas.    

    State Government has also identified this area as a logical place to accommodate some growth and clustering of business activity of State and regional significance, the concentration of linked businesses and institutions to accommodate future growth in jobs and housing. 

    Noting that the Broadway Precinct falls within the UWA-QEIIMC Specialised Activity Centre, the work undertaken by the City of Nedlands for the Broadway Precinct will ultimately feed into the UWA-QEIIMC Precinct Plan. The City of Nedlands and City of Perth are working collaboratively to ensure that the various pieces of work being undertaken across both local government areas are brought together under the higher-level plan. For more information on the UWA-QEIIMC Precinct Plan, visit here(External link). 

    How will the plans impact my property?

    Once the planning framework has been updated, landowners will be able to develop their property in line with the updated planning documents, but there is no requirement for development to occur within a specific timeframe. 

    How do I get involved?

    You can register to keep updated for wider community engagement opportunities that will be occurring along the way. To register for updates, click on the Follow Project button at the top of the project page.