User Satisfaction Survey Community Groups and Organisations 2020
Consultation has concluded

Are you a community group or organisation that regularly interacts with the City? If so, the City wants to hear from you!
Our relationship with community groups and organisations is very important as you make an important contribution to the health and well-being of our diverse community.
To further understand our relationship with you and to continually improve our facilities, we are inviting community groups and organisations who operate or hire a facility within the City of Nedlands to participate in the annual customer survey. This survey aims to identify the level of satisfaction with customer service and hired facilities provided by the City.
Your feedback is important to help continuous improvement of the City’s customer service, and aid with the planning for the building maintenance and budget requirements for 2020-2021 financial year.
How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?
- complete the survey by Friday 6 March 2020
- Ask us by using the Asking Us a Question tab and we will respond
- Quick feedback can also be provided by using the Feedback tab
Project updates and the outcomes will be published via the News Feed on this page.
If you have a question or would like assistance, please contact Robyn Forrest, Coordinator Volunteer Services on (08) 9273 3640 or email
Are you interested in other projects being undertaken by the City? Would you like to receive the City’s electronic newsletter on the latest City projects? If so, please click on the 'Register to get involved' tab at the top of this page to register.
Do you have a question for the City in relation to the community facilities? If so, please ask us here and we will respond.