QEII Medical Centre (QEIIMC) Integrated Master Planning Project - Be involved!
The QEII Medical Centre is preparing an integrated master plan for the Nedlands Campus of the Medical Centre and have appointed Consultants, Creating Communities to undertake community engagement in the development of the master plan.
You are invited to participate in this project. There are lots of ways you can get involved, including workshops, pop-up engagement areas, and a dedicated online engagement portal that has polls, surveys and will soon have an interactive campus map and ideas board.
To find out more, please visit the QEIIMC Futures website http://qeiimcfutures.com.au
The first phase of the QEIIMC master planning has seen the transformation of the QEIIMC campus to include a comprehensive Cancer Centre, Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, Ralph and Patricia Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute, new PathWest building, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Mental Health Unit, the new Perth Children’s Hospital (also accommodating the Telethon Kids Institute), a multi-deck carpark, Ronald McDonald House and the Central Plant that delivers critical power and utilities infrastructure to QEIIMC campus tenants.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.