Princess Road, Nedlands (Marita to Bulimba Road) - Footpath maintenance works
The City will be undertaking footpath maintenance works on the northern side of Princess Road between Marita and Bulimba Roads from Wednesday 27 June 2018, which will take up to two weeks to complete.
Works will include the removal of existing slab pavers and the installation of a new concrete footpath. In most cases the new path will be slightly wider than the existing footpath. The City will make the necessary reticulation adjustments to accommodate the new path.
If you are a resident within this section of works and your reticulation is damaged, the City will carry out all necessary repairs. If you have any concerns it is important they are reported to the City within two weeks of the works being completed as the City cannot accept liability after this time.
The City recognises the need for access to residences and will seek to minimise disruption as much as possible.
If you have queries in relation to this project, please contact Myles Bovell, Engineering Projects Coordinator on (08) 9273 3500, or email
Thank you for your patience while these works are being undertaken.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.