Kirwan and Whitfeld Streets Floreat - Proposal to change parking restrictions

The City is proposing to make changes to parking on Kirwan Street and Whitfeld Street in response to complaints and concerns received in relation to parked vehicles creating bottlenecks and safety issues.
The streets are currently zoned unrestricted on Whitfeld Street and no-parking on Saturdays, from April to September on Kirwan Street.
A parking survey has been undertaken of the area. As a result, the City is proposing to re-zone the northern side of Kirwan and Whitfeld Streets as three-hour parking and on the southern side as no-parking. A plan of the proposed changes is below (click on heading above).
To submit feedback in relation to this proposal, please email by Friday 17 May 2019, or leave your feedback on this newsfeed.
Should you have any further enquries, please contact Irene Chiang on (08) 9273 3500, or via email at
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.