Do the proposed changes reflect the Local Area Traffic Management Plan (LATMP)?

    Yes, the proposed changes reflect the LATMP, as follows:



    Road Speed Limit


    Traffic Volumes AWDT


    Traffic Speeds 85th Percentile


    % Of Heavy Vehicles


    Street suitability for changes

    Yes : Flat top road humps

    Availability of lighting


    Whether or not the street is important for access to an emergency facility

    Quintilian Road is local access road. Proposed changes will still cater for emergency services vehicles.

    Presence or absence of major traffic generators or non-residential uses

    Within proximity to the Karrakatta train station.

    Generates some school traffic from Quintilian Primary School.

    Availability of crash data and/or field assessment

    None obtained

    Degree of local support


    Traffic speed vs traffic volume (Figure 4.1 Austroads 2008 Part 8 Local Area Traffic Management)

    Using the 85th percentile and traffic volume of 2005 indicates - possible problem.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of flat-top and raised-plateau traffic calming devices?

    A raised-plateau is a is placed at an intersection whereas a flat-top traffic calming device is placed within a section of a street.  The advantages and disadvantages are:


    • A significant reduction in vehicles speeds.
    • They will reduce speeds over the entire length of the street when used in a series
    • May improve community safety.


    • Traffic noise levels may increase just before and after the humps due to braking, acceleration and the vertical displacement of vehicles and their goods.
    • They may be uncomfortable for vehicle passengers and cyclists.

    Why has the City selected these locations to install traffic calming?

    The existing road environment and surrounding infrastructure impacts on the type of traffic calming that can be achieved. 

    Budgets, road pavement, drainage, street parking and crossover access are all issues that need to be considered before installing traffic calming. The City has selected traffic calming devices in the area of Brockway Road, Tuart Entrance and Stubbs Terrace.

    These will have a minimal impact on residents while achieving the desired reduction in vehicle speeds and rat running.

    Why a flat-top traffic calming device at Brockway Road?

    This device acts as an entry statement type road hump outside Quintilian Primary School. 

    The length of this flat-top traffic calming device has been customised to retain the existing parallel parking outside the school. 

    The installation of traffic calming devices at entry points to local access roads has shown to reduce rat running in many instances. These configurations can be found in many locations throughout the WA metropolitan area. An example follows:

    Why a raised-plateau traffic calming device at Tuart Entrance

    Tuart Entrance is located at the midpoint on Quintilian Road where vehicles have been recorded at their highest speed. 

    A raised-plateau is proposed at this location to reduce vehicle speeds at the bottom of the hill while minimising impact on driveway access and vehicle noise.  An example follows:

    Why a flat-top speed traffic calming device at Stubbs Terrace

    Similar to Brockway Road this traffic calming device acts as an entry statement from Stubbs Terrace. 

    The existing road environment allows this device to be lengthened to achieve a greater effectiveness on the approach to Stubbs Terrace and entrance into Quintilian Road.  An example follows:

    What will happen after the traffic calming devices are installed?

    The City will conduct another traffic assessment on Quintilian Road. Traffic volumes and vehicle speed data will be collected for further analysis to understand their effectiveness.

    What is the Roads to Recovery Program?

    The objective of the Roads to Recovery Program is to support the maintenance of the local road infrastructure across Australia by assisting with improved safety, economic and social outcomes. This occurs by provided local governments with grant funding for the maintenance and/or construction of roads in order to help maintain the local road network.