How the City developed the draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3
During 2016, and following the completion of the Local Planning Strategy, the City progressed with the preparation of the draft Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS3) for the City of Nedlands.
The Draft LPS3 was presented to the Council at a special meeting held on 13 December 2016 who subsequently adopted the draft document for forwarding to the State Government's WA Planning Commission (WAPC) for review. Please the City's website (Your Council) to view the report (Agenda), Minutes (including the draft LPS3 as presented to Council).
The WAPC reviewed the draft LPS3 and asked the City to make a number of modifications which were subsequently made by the City. Following acceptance of the modifications, the WAPC approved the scheme for release to the community for comment which is currently underway.
One of the most significant modifications required by the State Government was for all local authorities to accommodate additional dwellings. For Nedlands, this means increased residential densities. The City has been required to accommodate 4,400 additional dwellings. This can be achieved by re-zoning areas along the Stirling Highway, Hampton Road and Broadway - as Council had originally proposed.
But, the WAPC required the residential density codes to be increased and applied to more areas. Areas affected by this change include:
- R160 applied to an area bordering Stirling Highway
- R60 and R40 applied to specific areas along Stirling Highway
- R60 and R40 applied to an area west of Hampden Road and an area west of Broadway
- R60 applied to an area near QEII Medical Centre
- R80, R60, and R40, applied to areas surrounding Dalkeith Village
- R20 applied to an area of Mt Claremont.
Other WAPC modifications include:
- Changed provisions - resulting in mandatory controls now being discretionary and possibly determined by the Development Assessment Panel. This affects building heights in your local commercial centres, mixed-use and residential zones bordering Stirling Highway, Hampden Road, Broadway and the Subiaco wastewater treatment plant buffer
- A number of land-use definitions and permissions were changed, affecting fast food outlets, lunch bars, takeaway food outlets, shops and short-stay accommodation
- The mixed residential zone was removed and replaced with a purely residential zone.
Consultation has concluded