Local Planning Scheme No 3
Consultation has concluded

The Minister has advised that the Scheme was published in the Government Gazette on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 which completes the approval process.
The Local Planning Scheme No. 3 changes the zoning, land use permissions, density codes and development standards for the City of Nedlands.
To assist the community in understanding the new requirements a series of information sessions will be held throughout May.
The approval of LPS3 will enable the City to commence developing its planning framework of policies and procedures to support its implementation.
Further community engagement will be undertaken as these projects progress.
How can you get involved, find out more and view the scheme?
- View the scheme in the document library or on the Department of Planning's website
- Visit the State Law Publisher website to view the gazette notice
- Please read the FAQs
- Call a member of the Strategic Planning Team
Updates on the progress of this project will be provided on this engagement page.
The Minister has advised that the Scheme was published in the Government Gazette on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 which completes the approval process.
The Local Planning Scheme No. 3 changes the zoning, land use permissions, density codes and development standards for the City of Nedlands.
To assist the community in understanding the new requirements a series of information sessions will be held throughout May.
The approval of LPS3 will enable the City to commence developing its planning framework of policies and procedures to support its implementation.
Further community engagement will be undertaken as these projects progress.
How can you get involved, find out more and view the scheme?
- View the scheme in the document library or on the Department of Planning's website
- Visit the State Law Publisher website to view the gazette notice
- Please read the FAQs
- Call a member of the Strategic Planning Team
Updates on the progress of this project will be provided on this engagement page.
Third Community Information Session a success
Share Third Community Information Session a success on Facebook Share Third Community Information Session a success on Twitter Share Third Community Information Session a success on Linkedin Email Third Community Information Session a success linkThe last Community Information Session was held on Saturday (25 May) at Dalkeith Hall with approximately 100 people attending to ask questions on the newly gazetted Local Planning Scheme 3.
If you missed one of the sessions, or have follow up questions, you can always call the City on 9273 3500 to talk to a Planner.
Thank you to everyone who participated in these information sessions.
Successful Information Session held on 22 May
Share Successful Information Session held on 22 May on Facebook Share Successful Information Session held on 22 May on Twitter Share Successful Information Session held on 22 May on Linkedin Email Successful Information Session held on 22 May linkThe City’s planning staff have been busy explaining the new Local Planning Scheme 3 to the community through a series of information sessions. The second session was held this Wednesday at the Administration Centre and the last to be held Saturday afternoon in Dalkeith Hall.
The session at the Administration Centre was well attended with over 70 people at the Council office.
Most people are keen to understand the changes the new scheme brings in the impacts or potential impacts have on their property.
Feedback so far has been positive with comments praising the format of the information sessions and the advice provided.
You can still attend one more session. The last community information session will be held at Dalkeith Hall this Saturday 25 May, from 2.30pm – 4.30pm.
First Community Information Session a success! Two more are scheduled - don't miss out!
Share First Community Information Session a success! Two more are scheduled - don't miss out! on Facebook Share First Community Information Session a success! Two more are scheduled - don't miss out! on Twitter Share First Community Information Session a success! Two more are scheduled - don't miss out! on Linkedin Email First Community Information Session a success! Two more are scheduled - don't miss out! linkThe Community Information Session held at the Mt Claremont Community Centre on Wednesday, 15 May was very successful with approximately 80 people attending.
If you haven't been to an Community Information Session, and intend to, please do so soon - there are only two left.
The next information session is this Wednesday, 22 May at the Council Administration Building from 5pm – 7pm and the last information session will be held this Saturday, 25 May at the Dalkeith Hall from 2.30pm - 4.30pm.
Please note that there is no formal presentation, it is simply an opportunity to speak with a planner and ask any questions you have.
The Residential Design Codes Information Sheet, which will be available at the information sessions, is also now available in the Document Library.
City receives new Scheme
Share City receives new Scheme on Facebook Share City receives new Scheme on Twitter Share City receives new Scheme on Linkedin Email City receives new Scheme linkThe City has now received the new Local Planning Scheme No. 3 as published in the Government Gazette on Tuesday, 16 April.
The new scheme can be viewed in the document library on this page or by visiting the Department of Planning's website.
Local Planning Scheme No.3 Gazetted
Share Local Planning Scheme No.3 Gazetted on Facebook Share Local Planning Scheme No.3 Gazetted on Twitter Share Local Planning Scheme No.3 Gazetted on Linkedin Email Local Planning Scheme No.3 Gazetted linkThe City of Nedlands Local Planning Scheme No.3 has been published in the Government Gazette and all planning decisions will now be based on the new Scheme.
Local Planning Scheme No.3 changes the zoning, land use permissions, density codes and development standards for the City of Nedlands. To assist the community in understanding the new requirements, the City will be holding a number of information sessions throughout May.
The approved scheme will available in the document library as soon as the documents are received from the Department of Planning.
For enquiries please contact the planning team on 9273 3500.
Minister has approved LPS3
Share Minister has approved LPS3 on Facebook Share Minister has approved LPS3 on Twitter Share Minister has approved LPS3 on Linkedin Email Minister has approved LPS3 linkThe City has received notification from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage advising that the WAPC has considered the Scheme and submitted its recommendation to the Minister in accordance with section 87(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (the Act).
The Minister has approved the Scheme in accordance with section 87(2)(a) of the Act. In accordance with section 87(3) of the Act, the WAPC will cause the approved Scheme to be published in the Government Gazette.
The Minister has released a media statement to this effect which can be viewed on the Department of Planning's website.
Mayor published open letter
Share Mayor published open letter on Facebook Share Mayor published open letter on Twitter Share Mayor published open letter on Linkedin Email Mayor published open letter linkThe Mayor published a letter to all residents in the POST newspaper. To see a copy of the letter, please visit the document library.
Special Council Meeting 12 March 2019
Share Special Council Meeting 12 March 2019 on Facebook Share Special Council Meeting 12 March 2019 on Twitter Share Special Council Meeting 12 March 2019 on Linkedin Email Special Council Meeting 12 March 2019 linkA special meeting of Council was held on 12 March 2019, for the purpose of discussing the process for signing Local Planning Scheme No.3 and approving the LPS3 Communications Plan.
As per council resolution, the Council directed the CEO to forward two copies of the modified scheme documents as required by the Planning Minister, as specified by the Western Australian Planning Commission in its communicated to the City dated 1 February 2019, in accordance with Section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005.
Please visit the City's website (Agenda, Minutes and Reports) for further information.
Council to consider LPS3 process for approval
Share Council to consider LPS3 process for approval on Facebook Share Council to consider LPS3 process for approval on Twitter Share Council to consider LPS3 process for approval on Linkedin Email Council to consider LPS3 process for approval linkA report on LPS3 will be presented to a Special Meeting of Council on Tuesday, 12 March 2019, commencing at 5.30pm.The report discusses the process for the approval of a local planning scheme and outlines the steps to be taken by a local government in that process.It explains the City’s current position in making modifications to the scheme as directed by the Minister and the purpose behind executing (signing and sealing) the modified scheme.The recommends that the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer execute the modified local planning scheme documents and apply the City seal, as required by regulation 31(2)(b) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.Please visit the City's website (Agenda, Reports and Minutes) to view the agenda and report.
LPS3 Dwelling Yields Explanation
Share LPS3 Dwelling Yields Explanation on Facebook Share LPS3 Dwelling Yields Explanation on Twitter Share LPS3 Dwelling Yields Explanation on Linkedin Email LPS3 Dwelling Yields Explanation linkAs per Council resolution, from its meeting held 26 February 2019, please see this comparison and explanation of the dwelling yield calculations (refer document library) that have been performed in the development of Local Planning Scheme 3.
Community Information Sessions
Strategic Planning Team
Life Cycle
Submissions invited (November 2017)
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
Open Days held on draft LPS3 (February/March 2018)
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
Assessment of submissions (April 2018)
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
Presentation of engagement outcomes, report and proposed draft scheme to Council (July 2018)
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
Report and scheme referred to WAPC (July 2018)
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
WAPC Statutory Planning Committee meets (December 2018)
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
Minister approves LPS3 (late January 2019)
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
City making modifications as required by Minister (March 2019)
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
Scheme being prepared for Gazettal (March-April)
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
Government Gazettal of new scheme
Local Planning Scheme No 3 has finished this stage -
Community engagement on what the new scheme means to you
Local Planning Scheme No 3 is currently at this stage