Proposed Local Laws and Amendments

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There are currently no local laws being reviewed.

The City is undertaking a review of a range of local laws, ranging from standing orders, parking and parking facilities, waste management, health, public spaces, local government property, signage and fencing.

The Local Government Act 1995 enables local government to make local laws that are necessary for the good government of their area. The types of laws made by local governments cover areas such as car parking, activities on thoroughfares, public places and council and committee meetings.

The City invites public submissions for all new proposed local laws, or any amendments to any local laws, for a minimum of 42 days. Your Voice Nedlands will contain all notices and proposals, information about the status and progress of the City’s changing local laws, and provide you with the opportunity to provide feedback by making a submission or asking us a question relating to all local law proposals as each law is completed to draft stage.

How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?

Please register by clicking on the ‘Register to get involved’ tab on this page. You can be involved by:

  • Asking us a question using the Ask us a Question tool for us to respond to
  • Use our Submissions tool to tell us what you think about any proposals and provide formal submissions for Council consideration
  • Keeping updated by viewing our Newsfeed
  • Reviewing our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) to learn more

The City is undertaking a review of a range of local laws, ranging from standing orders, parking and parking facilities, waste management, health, public spaces, local government property, signage and fencing.

The Local Government Act 1995 enables local government to make local laws that are necessary for the good government of their area. The types of laws made by local governments cover areas such as car parking, activities on thoroughfares, public places and council and committee meetings.

The City invites public submissions for all new proposed local laws, or any amendments to any local laws, for a minimum of 42 days. Your Voice Nedlands will contain all notices and proposals, information about the status and progress of the City’s changing local laws, and provide you with the opportunity to provide feedback by making a submission or asking us a question relating to all local law proposals as each law is completed to draft stage.

How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?

Please register by clicking on the ‘Register to get involved’ tab on this page. You can be involved by:

  • Asking us a question using the Ask us a Question tool for us to respond to
  • Use our Submissions tool to tell us what you think about any proposals and provide formal submissions for Council consideration
  • Keeping updated by viewing our Newsfeed
  • Reviewing our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) to learn more

Guest Book

You can make formal submissions relating to a local law proposal here, as well as providing us with any general feedback about the City's local laws here. Please contact us if you have any questions prior to making your submission.

There are currently no local laws being reviewed.
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I read the letter recently posted to me by Mayor Hipkins saying the local planning scheme will raise the density of some street sides properties to highest density which seems to me is a good thing to celebrate, as no high density residences there will be no enough demands for developing public transports which will remain Perth a town instead of a city. High density residence will force people to take buses and trains so there will be likely less road construction in the future.

Jamie about 7 years ago

My neighbor‘s backyard trees drop a lot of leaves on my roof which caused quite some troubles for me to clean them up quarterly, and also the fence between his yard and my yard almost falls down due to the expansion of my neighbor's tree roots. It's very disappointed to find that there is no laws or regulations on this issue at all when I called Nedlands council. I guess this kind of disputes between neighbors are very common and thus there should be a law to deal with it. Basically I believe every resident should take care of his/her own property properly or otherwise he/she should pay for the trouble he/she caused to he/her neighbors.

Jamie about 7 years ago

I support the local draft planning scheme no 3. It is time the Nedlands council moves with the current need for infilling in the Western Suburbs. ET

Ernest Tan over 7 years ago

I support the changes to the Parking Local Law section 6.2 to allow for creation of zones of no parking (or 2-hour parking) between certain times and on certain days except for permit holders in residential streets. All-day parking by non-residents is becoming a major issue in streets such as Melvista Ave and Hillway where it is becoming dangerous for residents to pull out of the driveway between closely parked cars and traffic flow is severely restricted.

DB over 8 years ago

Stopping in a bicycle lane fine is $60. But blocking a footpath is $80. Shouldn't they both be the same?

MichaelB over 8 years ago