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The Council at its meeting on Tuesday, 28 August 2018 endorsed the revised enviro-scape master plan for Jones Park following community engagement.
Visit the City's website to read the Council Report (TS19.18) which includes the covering report, the community engagement report and the proposed changes to the enviro-scape master plan as resulted from the community engagement activities.
The engagement report proposed the following in the revised draft master plan. Where ideas could not be incorporated, reasons have been given.
Basketball facilities: there are basketball facilities at Allen Park a short distance away, however a junior height backboard and key-way will be included.
Barbecue: a barbecue will be installed.
Infiltration zone: the sump area will be reduced. However, the suggestion for a slide and nature-based play has been investigated and unfortunately it cannot be incorporated into the design due to the primary purpose of the sump being for storm water infiltration.
Delineation between grassed area and bushland (including transition zone): when the garden kerbing is installed, the bush area will increase slightly, and the existing grassed ball area will be retained. In addition, a bush fence will be installed from the western and southern boundaries of the grassed area to the bollard section adjacent to Jameson Street to separate the bush from the green space.
Bench seating: seating will be replaced with materials that reflect heat and a seat at the top of the hill will be installed.
Dog, waste and water facilities: A dual bin station will be installed where the paths connect away from the playground. Facilities will also include a water bowl for dogs as part of a drinking fountain.
Plants: trees will not be planted within the grassed area used for ball games. The health of the fig tree will be assessed to consider options to improve its health. Any dead trees will be removed and replaced.
Paths: Suggestions in regard to the hand rail for the stairs has been referred to the City’s Environmental Conservation team for consideration as it is outside of the scope for this project
Trail signage: will continue following the completion of the new pathway.
Changes to the enviro-scape master plan will not reflect suggestions for vehicle parking, changes to the playground and the installation of a tennis wall as explained below:
Parking: The City is not planning to change the current parking provisions. Jones Park is a local park. This classification of park is designed to have a catchment area of a local neighbourhood of approximately +/- 400 metres or a five-minute walk and are not intended to cater for vehicle rips. This classification is in accordance with the City’s and State Government’s policies for classifying parks.
Playground: the replacement of the playground is programmed for the year 2020/21 as it is currently half-way through its useful life. However, the City will progress the replacement of the playground with a nature-based design which will include community engagement closer to the replacement date. The City will be retaining the bird swing as it is an important piece of equipment for teenagers.
Tennis wall: a tennis wall is currently being planned for Allen Park (near the Tennis Club) which is close by.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this project. Work will now be scheduled.
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The engagement period has now closed for this project. Thank you to everyone who participated in this project. The City will now review the feedback received and provide a report to Council.
For further updates, please visit this engagement page.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this project.
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Thank you for attending the onsite information session and providing feedback on the proposed master plan and putting forward your suggestions and thoughts.
The City has reviewed these contributions and provided a response. Please visit the document library to have a look at the community feedback and the City's responses.
If you have not already contributed, please do so soon as the closing date is fast approaching.
Thank you for participating in this project.
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Thank you to everyone (approximately 15-20 people) who participated in the onsite community information session on Wednesday, 13 June.
We received some great feedback on the plans and suggestions for further improvement. These reponses will be reviewed and feedback provided. All feedback will form part of the overall report to Council on the engagement outcomes following the conclusion of the engagement period.
Please don't forget to provide feedback online.

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A draft enviro-scape master plan has been developed for Jones Park and the City would like to hear your thoughts. The plan addresses issues such as water quality and conservation (hydro-zoning and eco-zoning), the natural and build environment, accessibility and amenity. This to to ensure that the park is fit for purpose.
To find out more, come to an onsite information session (Hooley Street entrance) anytime from 2pm to 4pm on Wednesday, 13 June 2018.
There are a number of methods in which you can provide feedback, please select the feedback mechanism which best suits you.
The City looks forward to seeing you at the informtion session and receiving your thoughts on this project.