Hampden/Hollywood Precinct
The Hampden Hollywood Precinct Local Planning Policy was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting of 28 March 2023. The adopted Hampden Hollywood Precinct Local Planning Policy can be viewed here.
The Hampden Hollywood Precinct Local Planning Policy was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting of 28 March 2023. The adopted Hampden Hollywood Precinct Local Planning Policy can be viewed here.

The City has an opportunity to prepare a planning policy that outlines the vision for the Precinct, and to provide a design response that is consistent with the character of the area.
What has been done so far?
The City commissioned a Background Analysis and Built Form Modelling Report for the Hampden Hollywood Precinct. The findings and recommendations of this study were used to assist in preparing a Policy that aligns with community expectations for the Precinct.
To ensure the local community has an opportunity to help shape the future of the Hampden Hollywood Precinct, the City established a Community Reference Group (CRG) comprised of 13 members of the local community. With the assistance of engagement facilitators, the CRG was guided through a series of workshops, ending in December 2021. In these workshops, the CRG considered the informing studies, as well as built form considerations and a vision for the Precinct.
The broader community were provided the opportunity to review feedback gathered from the CRG and provide their own input on the Precinct vision and key design considerations through a survey and open house. The Community Engagement Outcomes Report details the outcomes from the CRG workshops and engagement with the broader community.
Using the informing studies, as well as the outcomes from community engagement, the draft Hampden Hollywood Precinct Design Response – Local Planning Policy was prepared. This policy was presented to Council in June 2022, where it was adopted for the purpose of advertising to the community.
Policy Information Sheets have been prepared to provide an overview of the Policy, and for each Sub-precinct:
Have a question?
- For any further enquiries, please contact the City's Duty Officer via email council@nedlands.wa.gov.au or call 9273 3500.