Draft Local Planning Policy - Residential Development
Consultation has concluded

Council at its December 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting adopted Local Planning Policy 1.1 - Residential Development. This Policy is available as part of the City's Local Planning Documents accessed via the City's website. Copies can also be viewed at the City's Administration Building located at 71 Stirling Highway, Nedlands, WA, 6009.
Local Planning Policy (LPP) 1.1 Residential Development has been reviewed as part of the City's periodic review of Local Planning Policies.
The policy review began in 2022 but changes to the Residential Design Codes (R-codes) Volume 1 and state planning framework over the course of 2023 and early 2024 have allowed for opportunity to further enhance the policy. The draft Policy is now presented to the community for public comment.
Submissions close at 5pm on 11 October 2024.
In December 2019 Council resolved to adopt LPP 1.1 Residential Development. The Policy provides guidance and supplementary requirements to Local Planning Scheme 3 (LPS3) and the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) Volume 1.
The periodic review of the Policy began in 2022 which proposed to enhance the formatting of the policy and make minor changes to provisions.
The release of the Medium Density Codes in early 2023 meant that the Draft Policy needed to be reviewed in light of the new codes to ensure consistency and modify the policy to respond to the two separate parts of Volume 1. Further delays to the gazettal of the new codes and other uncertainties in the state planning framework meant that the City had more time to enhance the draft policy.
The draft Policy now incorporates provisions that ensure consistency in Design Principles assessments, clarification regarding impervious surfaces, soft landscaping and deep soil area and improvements to the design of Single Dwellings on R30-R40 coded lots.
The policy's format has been amended to make the application of each provision clearer by separating them based on how they apply to the planning assessment process.
What is happening now?
Council adopted the draft Local Planning Policy – Residential Development for the purpose of advertising at their 27 August 2024 meeting.
The LPP will now be advertised for a period of 21 days, from 20 September – 11 October 2024.
City Officers will be available on 30 September from 4pm to 6pm in the Council Chambers at 71 Stirling Highway to answer any questions. Please note that there is no presentation at this session. It is an after-hours opportunity to speak with a City Officer about the proposal and you do not have to attend the entire time. Due to the limited space, it is important that you RSVP below.
City Officers are available to discuss the proposal during normal business hours over the phone, in person by appointment, or via email.
Members of the community are invited to make a submission online through the Your Voice page, via email at planning@nedlands.wa.gov.au, or by sending hard copy submissions to the City's Administration Building at 71 Stirling Highway, Nedlands, WA 6009. For email and hard copy submissions, please include:
- Subject line: Draft Residential Development LPP
- Full name
- Address
- Email address
- Telephone number
- Address of property affected (if applicable)
- Whether you support or object to the Draft Precincts LPP, or if you are providing comment only.
Submissions close at 5pm on 11 October 2024.
Feedback received will be taken into consideration prior to the local planning policy being provided back to Council. Please note that written submissions are not considered confidential and may be published in Council agendas.
For any further enquiries, or to arrange a time to come into the City to speak with a Planner, please contact the City’s Strategic Planning team via email at planning@nedlands.wa.gov.au or call 9273 3500.