Outcomes from feedback received

The Council at a Council briefing on Tuesday 31 October 2017 received the results (refer document library) from the community engagement undertaken. A summary follows:
The community consultation for the Carrington Park Enviro-scape Master Plan involved three information sessions (at the Subiaco Hollywood Bowling Club) which was attended by 30 people and 76 people responded to the online survey.
The commentary has been reviewed by City staff in consideration of a preferred facility for both children and dogs and the following amendments:
- Reduction in size of the sandpit to be located at the thrown ball drop zone and to be at the same level as the rest of the park
- Removing the midway fence and installing a new fence as an extension to the playground fence to enclose the basketball court and the extended grass area.
- Review of all gate accesses, externally and internally
- Remove the path along the southern boundary and replace with flush kerb to separate the hydro-zone from the eco-zone
- Extend the path along the northern boundary through the playground and connecting it to the basketball court.
- Increase the number of shade trees across the park.
- Retain the subterranean drainage facility
- Lay anti-digging membrane within the turf and over-seed with winter grasses
- Improve signage throughout the park
- Provide shaded picnic table within the playground
- Retain grated air-locks into the dog exercise area
- Provide maintenance vehicle gates into the ball throwing sections of the park.
- No longer provide for a separate area for small and large dogs
- Increase area for children, but maintain a long run for dogs
- Introduce three-hour parking restrictions to adjacent car parking within the verges and on ACROD parking pay
- Consider an opening in the fence to ensure control of the dogs
In consideration of the above the City staff have identified three options (see detailed maps in the document library):
- Option 1 - Increased children’s play area from the current area, and a fully fenced dog space with access from Weld and Broome Streets
- Option 2 - Increased children’s play area with reduced dog space from Option 1, and a fully fenced dog space with access from Weld Street
- Option 3 - The same sized children’s play area, from Option 2, and a dog space open at Weld Street.
It would be appreciated if you could consider the three options and provide your preference online on Your Voice Nedlands via yourvoice.nedlands.wa.gov.au by Monday 4 December 2017.
It is anticipated that the results of this second consultation process will be reported to Council in February 2018 and then the City can commence construction on the approved enviro-scape master plan.
Please contact Andrew Dickson, Manager Parks Services on (08) 9273 3500 for enquiries in relation to the design options.
Questions can also be asked using the Ask Us a Question tab on this engagement page.
The results of this engagement activity will be provided on this engagement page following consideration by the Council in February 2018.
Consultation has concluded