Drainage and Landscaping Works to Progress in the dog exercise area

The City is now progressing with the implementation of the enviro-scape master plan as a result of the community engagement activities undertaken.
The first most pressing improvements is the drainage and the landscaping. These projects are due to commence late June for the dog exercise area. As this is a major project and consumes the entire exercise area, the City will be closing the park for approximately nine weeks from 25 June 2018.
This work will also include the rediesign of the entry from Weld Street, reconfiguation of fencing, new plants and exo-zones, ACROD parking, footpath and dog waste bins.
During this time, the children's playground will be open, but only accessible from the Carrington Street entrance.
Alternative exercise areas for you dog can be found on the City's website under Ranger Services/Animals/Dogs...
The enviro-scape master plan aims to ensure community needs are met in the most economical way possible for the Park’s lifespan.
Consultation has concluded