What is the Coastwest Grants Program?

    The Coastwest Grants Program is provided by the Western Australian Planning Commission with the aim to improve the condition and amenity of Western Australian coastal environments.  They support projects designed to address the challenges that coastal environments face such as climate change, population growth, competing uses and degradation

    Grants are provided to partnerships of community groups and coastal managers to undertake on-ground coastal and marine rehabilitation, restoration and preventative conservation projects. The grants also look to build the skills and capacity of Western Australian communities and to encourage and maintain their involvement in coastal planning and management.

    The objectives of the Coastwest grants are to:

    • contribute to the implementation of local and regional coastal plans and strategies;
    • assist in the identification, protection and maintenance of environmental values, aesthetic qualities, biodiversity and water quality in the coastal zone;
    • foster sustainable recreational and tourist use of the coast by assisting in the maintenance of the recreational amenity and provision of public access to the coast; and
    • build capacity in Western Australian communities in order to increase their involvement in coastal zone management activities, through joint coastal research activities, education and training.

    What Coastwest Project is being undertaken at Swanbourne Dunes?

    The City of Nedlands in conjunction with the Swanbourne Coastal Alliance has received $19,306.63 (ex GST) from the Western Australian Planning Commission through the Coastwest Grants Program 2017/18 to undertake the project “Restoration and Habitat Protection Swanbourne Dunes”.

    This project aims to restore degraded areas of the coastal dune system in Swanbourne.  The project will increase the ecological value of the coastal dunes by reducing erosion and invasive weeds as well as increasing habitat and improving the aesthetics of the area.


    • Removal of invasive weeds
    • Revegetation with local provenance native seedlings
    • Maintenance of public access such as beach fencing
    • Improvement of bushland condition
    • Reducing erosion
    • Increasing habitat of fauna such as the resident White-winged Fairy-wrens
    • Strengthening two regional greenways - the coastal greenway and the Bold Park to Kings Park Greenway
    • Protection of environmental values and biodiversity within the coastal zone
    • Increasing the atheistic quality of the area
    • Building capacity by involving the community

    What is the timeframe?

    The timeframe for this project will be for a period of some nine months. The schedule of works are:



    Site preparation work               

    October 2017 – March 2018

    Stabilisation work

    March – May 2018


    June/July 2018

    What species are being planted?

    Approximately 4000 locally occurring native shrubs and ground covers are being planted in degraded areas along the dunes (refer to species list below).  All species are low growing coastal species chosen so that existing views are not obstructed.  Please note there are existing Acacia trees on the site that can grow up to 6m.  These are existing populations that will be retained as part of the project and they will naturally regenerate overtime.



    Leucophyta brownii

    Cushion Bush

    Scaevola crassifolia

    Thick-leaved Fan-flower

    Myoporum insulare

    Blueberry Tree

    Eremophila glabra

    Tar Bush

    Melaleuca huegelii

    Chenille Honeymyrtle

    Acacia cyclops

    Coastal Wattle

    Ficinia nodosa

    Knotted Club Rush

    Olearia axillaris

    Coastal Daisybush

    Spyridium globulosum

    Basket Bush

    Rhagodia baccata

    Sea Berry Saltbush

    Spinifex longifolius

    Beach Spinifex

    Enchylaena tomentosa     

    Ruby Saltbush

    Threlkeldia diffusa

    Coast Bonefruit

    Atriplex isatidea

    Coast Saltbush

    The seedlings will be planted in degraded areas along the dunes with the majority being planted in the area as shown on the map (see question:  Where will the plantings occur?)

    How does this project relate to other like projects?

    This project assists in implementing the following documents and strategies:

    Where will the plantings occur?

    The planting of local plants will occur in this area:

    What is a coastal greenway and why are they important?

    The coastal dunes in Swanbourne form part of the regional coastal greenway as identified in the City of Nedlands Greenways Policy and the Western Suburbs Greening Plan 2002.

    Greenways are important because they:

    • Preserve and create open space
    • Improve air quality
    • Improve water quality through biofiltration
    • Provide habitat for fauna such as birds, butterflies and lizards
    • Provide corridors for wildlife
    • Increase biodiversity
    • Reduce Erosion
    • Provide a role in environmental education
    • Use local native seedlings that our insects and birds have evolved with