Whadjuk Trail Network - Swanbourne
Consultation has concluded
The City of Nedlands is seeking community feedback on the proposed changes to the existing Whadjuk Trail Network of footpaths through Allen Park.
The Whadjuk Trails Network traverses through Allen Park, descends from Melon Hill and ends at the mosaic limestone entry point. Due to unclear delineation of the trail, users have no waypoint to direct them to the existing path fringing the North-Western edge of the bridge club and continue on towards Swanbourne Beach. The City is progressing with an upgrade of the pedestrian route and would love your feedback on the conceptual design.
The works will include construction of a new concrete Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) compliant footpath connecting the trail emerging from Melon Hill bushland to Swanbourne Reserve. A safe pedestrian route through the existing Bridge Club carpark will be provided with ground markings and modifications to the existing car bays. The new route will include revegetation in line with the Bushcare Management Plan to provide shade to the footpath.
These works will promote the Norn Bidi section of the Whadjuk Trail and preserve the connectivity of the bush to beach path.
How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?
Please read the information provided - view the concept design and read the FAQs.
- All feedback, and any related questions should be directed via email to Project Manager, Zoe Schwass - zschwass@nedlands.wa.gov.au