CRG Workshops 2 & 3
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
Workshop 3 for the Waratah Village Precinct was held on Monday 2 August 2021:
The key points from Workshop 2:
- The CRG were split into small working groups, and completed activities on various elements under the themes of Landscaping, Land Use and Built Form. This activity provided valuable feedback regarding the CRG’s preferences relating to these built form elements.
- Plenary discussions were held with the CRG and City staff on the themes of Movement and Amenity.
- The CRG provided further feedback on the Desired Future Character Statement.
The key points from Workshop 3:
- City staff presented the outcomes from the CRG feedback derived from the activities in the previous workshops. This allowed the CRG to have their feedback clearly presented to them, and allowed them to fill in any gaps and refine their points further.
- The CRG reviewed their feedback on the Desired Future Character Statement and provided further comments.
You can review the workshop notes in the Document Library.
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