Your Questions Answered
- Wednesday 9 June 2021 – 6:00-8:30pm
- Wednesday 23 June 2021 – 6:00-8:30pm
- Saturday 24 July 2021 – 12:00-5:00pm
- Wednesday 4 August 2021 – 6:00-8:00pm
Why do we need to develop a plan for the UWA-QEII precinct?
The UWA QEII precinct is a major economic hub in Perth and is strategically important for the State’s economy. As these major institutions evolve and expand, the surrounding neighbourhood is also changing, with greater demand for housing and shops near to this major activity.
In addition, the State anticipates that by the year 2050, the population of Perth will rise to 3.5 million. In order to accommodate this population growth in an efficient and cost-effective manner, the State Government has established a target for residential intensification within existing urban areas.
State Government has also identified this area as a logical place to accommodate some growth and clustering of business activity of State and regional significance, the concentration of linked businesses and institutions to accommodate future growth in jobs and housing.
Why is the City doing the Crawley-Nedlands workshops?
The City of Perth, working together with the City of Nedlands, are undertaking this study to make sure they have a strong vision for the future of the Crawley Nedlands neighbourhood. Since the boundary of the City of Perth was realigned in 2016, both the City of Perth and the City of Nedlands have been reconsidering the longer-term plans for the neighbourhood, and it is now time to work with the community to take the next steps.
To do this, the Cities are embarking on the Crawley-Nedlands Exploration workshops to investigate the community’s values, ideas and expectations for the neighbourhood. This study will support longer-term planning for the UWA QEII precinct and its surrounds, and the community’s input will help to influence that planning.
These Crawley-Nedlands Exploration workshops will comprise a visioning and built form review with the community. A Citizens Advisory Panel (CAP) will be formed with representatives from the community to take part in these workshops.
The CAP will be made up of a representative group of individuals that reflect the community, randomly selected to form a panel which discusses and deliberates on the vision for the future, built form and opportunities and constraints.
The Panel will hear technical advice and feedback from key community groups and technical experts and the process will be undertaken in a fully transparent environment. The Panel will ultimately work together/deliberate and provide input to the development of the UWA QEII Precinct Plan.
The CAP will meet on the following dates:
Participants must be able to attend each of the meeting dates and catering will be provided.
How do I get involved?
Invitations have been sent to all residents, ratepayers, businesses and landlords located within the Study Area, as shown below. If you are not located within this area, there will further opportunities for to be involved at a later date.
How is the Citizens Advisory Panel selected?
Recruitment and final selection of panellists for the CAP is a multi-step process utilising an external consultant who is responsible for ensuring that the process is transparent and independent.
Those people interested in joining the Panel should express interest in participating on the CAP by registering. Stratification goals are set including age, gender and location and then the interested registrants are sorted and filtered again using a randomisation function in Microsoft Excel, to ensure that the final selection includes the relevant number of people within each of the stratification categories.
Finally, the selected participants are advised. Only in the few days before the Panel commences are the City's given the panellist details. This is to ensure that the independence of the process is true right up until the panel start date.
What if I express interest but I am not selected to attend the Citizens Advisory Panel?
Unfortunately, our numbers are limited to make sure that the workshop experience is effective and achieves the workshop goals. Because of this, some people will miss out on the opportunity to be directly involved in the CAP. For those who miss out, other opportunities to review the outcomes or be involved will be provided.
When will the project be implemented?
The outcomes of the Crawley-Nedlands Exploration workshops will provide the early community inputs to the UWA QEII Precinct Plan. It is envisaged that this precinct plan will be developed over 2022/2023. Following this, changes will be made to the planning framework. The timing for this is unknown at this point in time.
How will the plans impact my property?
Once the planning framework has been updated, landowners will be able to develop their property in line with the updated planning documents, but there is no requirement for development to occur within a specific timeframe.
How does this relate to the work that the City of Nedlands is already undertaking for the Broadway precinct?
The Broadway Precinct falls within UWA-QEII Precinct Plan Study Area. The City has been working with consultants, Hassell, over the past 15 months to help establish the local character and distinctiveness, context analysis and develop built form modelling recommendations for the Broadway Precinct. This work was recently completed in late April 2021 and is with the City for review and wider distribution with the community. The recommendations from this work will be considered in the greater precinct planning for the UWA-QEII Study Area.
Similar work is soon to commence for the precinct area known as the Hollywood Hampden Precinct. The outcomes of this work will also be integrated into the ultimate UWA-QEII Precinct Plan.
How does the Citizens Advisory Panel differ from the Community Reference Group already established for the Broadway precinct?
The Citizens Advisory Panel is independent of the already established Broadway Community Reference Group. It is anticipated that representatives (a maximum of two) from the Broadway CRG will participate in the Citizens Advisory Panel workshops that will be run.