Proposal - Alfred Road
The Town of Claremont has been successful in progressing a customer-funded underground power project for the remainder of Claremont on the same basis as the West Hollywood project in Nedlands. The Claremont project is bound to the north by Alfred Road, and to the east by Brockway. During the design of the project, the project partners did not recognise that there were 80 properties within the City of Nedlands that received their power from the aerial network in Claremont. The City also recognised that there were a further 13 properties who could receive underground power due to the relocation of the Mimosa Avenue transformer to College Green.
Council at it’s Ordinary Meeting of Tuesday 28 November resolved that:
“Council requests the Administration conduct a community consultation of the landowners within the Alfred Road Underground Power Project to ascertain the level of support to fund underground power to the 93 properties affected.”
The City is writing to all property owners within the project area to gauge their level of support for this proposal.
In accordance with the City practice, the affected property owners are being invited to complete the survey currently being posted. The results of the survey will be included in the decision-making process for Council.
Should the project progress, works are anticipated to be completed within the next 18 months.
Consultation has concluded