What is the purpose of a Strategic Recreation Plan?

    The purpose of a Strategic Recreation Plan is to establish the local community’s current and future needs for sporting and recreational facilities, infrastructure and services. It will be used to guide future decision-making in relation to sport and recreation within the City of Nedlands. The plan will determine Council’s broad approach in the provision of sport and recreation facilities exploring what Council’s sees as the City’s role in the provision of these services. The plan will enable Council to prioritise competing demands for resources allocated to sport and recreation. It will help ensure the effective use of facilities and avoid duplication. The plan will provide direction for the future and help avoid ad hoc decision-making. Above all, it will help the City keep pace with trends in sport and recreation and ensure that the provision of facilities meets the community’s current and future needs, maximising opportunity for physical activity for all.

    What types of Recreation will the plan focus on?

    The plan will focus on opportunities for physical recreation activities, both structured recreation i.e. formal membership of sporting clubs and unstructured recreation e.g. walking, cycling, skating etc. The plan will not include non-physical activities such as the arts, reading and other cultural activities. 

    What is the process for developing the plan?

    The project is to be undertaken in a number of stages:

    Stage One: Confirm the aims of the Sport and Recreation Plan
    Stage Two: Sport and recreation in the City and broader landscape  
    Stage Three: Community and key stakeholder engagement
    Stage Four: Considering options for the future 
    Stage Five: Mapping out a draft 10 year plan for community sport and recreation for feedback
    Stage Six: Adopting, implementing and regularly reviewing the plan to meet community needs

    What have we done so far?

    The City has appointed Dave Lanfear Consulting to lead the process. Stage two of the project is underway in preparation for engagement workshops in February 2020.