Verdun Street, Loneragan Street, Lupin Hill Grove & Quadrangle Place - Proposed Formalised Parking Embayments

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The City has received concerns in relation to parking usage in the embayments within the Hollywood subdivision. Prior to making any changes to the current parking arrangements, we are seeking feedback to understand resident preferences for parking in the area.

The City proposes to formalise the existing parallel parking embayments through use of holding lines in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards, to define each bay. Under the City’s Parking Local Law, vehicles will be required to park within the holding lines. This eliminates the potential for single vehicles to occupy more than one bay when currently zoned as informal parking. It should be noted that the existing parking embayments were designed to accommodate a maximum of two cars only.

How can you provide feedback?

Should you have any further enquiries, please contact the project officer Shaun Fletcher on (08) 9273 3500.
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