Foreshore Beaton Park to Paul Hasluck Reserve - Public access closure

The City advises that the public access along the foreshore from Beaton Park to Paul Hasluck Reserve, between the Perth Flying Squadron Yacht Club premises and the river, will be temporarily closed for a period of up to 6 months.
The closure is necessary to ensure public safety during upcoming works associated with the Perth Flying Squadron Yacht Club river lease area and the upgrading of the public foreshore area between the Club’s premises and the river.
The works to be undertaken will include improvements to public access through this portion of the river foreshore that include removal of the boat slipway, removal of asphalt surfaces, installation of a new footpath, new reticulation and landscaping.
A map for reference of what area is closed to public access can be found in the document library.For more information please contact the City’s Parks Services department on 9273 3500 or by email
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.