Footpath Reconstruction - Loch Street (between Stirling Hwy and Melvista Street)
This notice is on behalf of the Town of Claremont.
Footpath reconstruction will be undertaken on the west side of Loch Street, between Stirling Hwy and Melville Street, scheduled to commence Monday 12 October 2020, with an expected completion by Friday 16 October 2020 (weather permitting).
Below is the proposed sequence of events:
- Remove sections of old footpath, including old crossovers and paving along the footpath alignment. This is to achieve a uniform look and surface for the new footpath;
- Form up and pour a new 1.8m minimum width concrete footpath in Claremont cream colour;
- Repair any damage to verges, crossovers or reticulation and undertake general clean up.
If you have any vegetation growing over the footpath, please ensure this is pruned back to the property line prior to Monday 12 October 2020. If you wish to retain any excavated bricks or pavers that will be removed from your verge, please contact the Town to make the necessary arrangements.
Works are expected to occur between 7am to 5pm on weekdays.
Should you have any queries, please contact Town of Claremont - Svetlana Ostrovsky, Coordinator of Works on 9285 4300.
Please see the News and Notices Page for all City updates.