Community engagement results reported to Council
Council have now considered the community engagement report on St Johns Boulevard at its meeting on 24 July 2018. To read the report, visit the City's website under Council/Agendas, Minutes and Reports for July (2018 TS Reports - TS15.18).
The community engagement activities provided a number of recommendations and the plan presented to the City was subsequently amended from the plan originally developed for the engagement. Please see the document library.
The key findings from the community engagement activities and comments from Administration were:
Concept Plan
- Retain the general design of the park with regards to hydro-zones, eco-zones, playground location and path network.
- Include provision of public barbecue (relocated from Beaton Park).
- Basketball hoops: there are already three basketball hoops within walking distance (Mt Claremont Community Centre, Grainger Park, Mt Claremont Oval), therefore the request for a basketball hoop is not supported at this stage.
- Include a drinking fountain utilising the old cast headworks as an art feature.
- Include a dog tidy station.
- Use predominantly native plantings with some deciduous and evergreen species to provide for winter sunshine and bird sanctuary.
- Include public artwork within the playground area.
- Playground design: include intergenerational play facilities (this will be a separate engagement process closer to the time of construction)
- The parking prohibition in Abbey Gardens is “No Parking”, therefore the painted yellow line does not apply as this for “No Standing”.
Park Name
The most supported park names were Abbey Park (adjacent to Abbey Gardens) and Montgomery Park (adjacent to Montgomery House). Administration subsequently supported Abbey Park.
This park is now complete.