Why Is the City Undertaking Grass Tree Burning at Shenton Bushland?

    There is a high proportion of grass trees at Shenton Bushland and many have long unburnt dead skirts which are a source of fine fuels.  Fine fuel loads consist of grasses and small twigs which are less than 6mm in diameter. 

    These fine fuels contribute to the intensity and spread of fire in the event of an unplanned fire and this work will assist the City to help protect property by reducing the build-up of flammable fuel loads. Therefore, the City is undertaking dead grass tree burning at Shenton Bushland to work towards reducing fuel loads within the reserve.

    How much area will be burnt?

    The City will burn approximately 40% of grass trees across a one-hectare area of Shenton Bushland as shown on the below map.The City is not targeting all grass trees within the one-hectare area because grass trees provide vital habitat for animals therefore a mosaic of grass trees within the area will be burnt.

    Where is Shenton Bushland?

    Where is Shenton Bushland?

    Shenton Bushland is a 21-hectare Banksia Woodland located on Lemnos Street in Shenton Park. 

    What is involved?

    Experienced fire management contractors will be undertaking the works appropriate to the weather conditions which will reduce potential for smoke haze.

    Internal pathways will be closed until the works are complete to ensure pedestrian safety.

    The burnt areas will be monitored to assess weed growth and native flora regeneration along with determining how well the operation met the objectives of the burn.

    When will the burning occur?

    The burning is scheduled to occur in late August 2017.  There is very low risk of the fire escaping due to the timing of the works and grass trees can be burnt in rainy conditions and still achieve the outcomes required.  Ideally the City will undertake the works on a rainy day provided the wind conditions are appropriate. 

    Where can I get more information?

    For further information, please contact Vicki Shannon, the City’s Environmental Conservation Coordinator on (08) 9273 3500, or email vshannon@nedlands.wa.gov.au