Scheme Amendment No.7 - Amendment to Density Coding on Broadway, Hillway, Kingsway, Edward & Elizabeth Street
The City is currently progressing with the proposed Scheme Amendment No.7 to Local Planning Scheme No.3 (LPS3) that relates to decreasing the density coding of several properties within the Broadway Precinct.
Previously, submissions were received from the community and the scheme amendment was referred back to Council on 3 September 2020, where it was resolved to support the Scheme Amendment. The Scheme amendment was referred to Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) on 4 September.
In late September 2020, the WAPC advised the City that the scheme amendment was considered to be a complex scheme amendment and that it would need to be re-advertised for a period of 60 days, to comply with the provisions of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (the Regulations)
An opportunity to provide comment on the proposed Complex Scheme Amendment No.7 is now available. If you have previously lodged a submission when Scheme Amendment No.7 was advertised, you will be required to re-lodge your submission. Previous submissions received will not be considered.
To find out more about Scheme Amendment No.7 including how to make a submission, click here.
Submissions close 5pm Sunday 31 January 2021.
The Minister has issued decisions regarding many of these amendments. Please contact the City's Planning Department should you have questions.