Scheme Amendment No.11 - Additional Built Form Requirements
The Council at their Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 July 2020 resolved to prepare for advertising Standard Scheme Amendment No.11 to the City of Nedlands Local Planning Scheme No. 3. The City has now received correspondence back from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and can proceed with the formal public advertising of the proposed Scheme Amendment.
This Scheme Amendment was initiated as a result of a recent application received for a residential aged care facility within a Residential Zone within the City. This Scheme Amendment proposes the introduction of an additional sub-clause to Clause 32, being Sub-clause 32.7, which provides clearer guidance relating to built form requirements for all non-residential developments proposed within a Residential Zone under the Local Planning Scheme No.3.
To find out more about Scheme Amendment No.11 including how to make a submission, click here.
Submissions close 5pm 14th November 2020.
The Minister has issued decisions regarding many of these amendments. Please contact the City's Planning Department should you have questions.