Minister's Decision - Scheme Amendment No 11 - Residential Aged Care Facility -Amendments to Cl 32.4 and Addition of Cl 32.7
The City wishes to advise that the Western Australian Planning Commission considered proposed Scheme Amendment No. 11 and submitted its recommendation to the Minister in accordance with section 87(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (the Act).
The Minister has resolved to refuse the amendment in accordance with section 87(2)(c) of the Act for the following reasons:
1. The requirement related to local development plans is a duplication of requirements under clause 47(d) of the deemed provisions of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and contrary to Reform Initiative C6 of the State’s Action Plan for Planning Reform, which seeks to ensure planning tools are fit for purpose, streamlined, and reduce red tape.
2. The built form requirements are either a duplication of the Residential Design Codes or do not demonstrate why the requirements are necessary above the existing State planning framework requirements. The appropriateness of quantifiable standards and mechanisms to address any built form issues would be most effective when holistically considered through the Strategic Gap Analysis of the City’s Local Planning Framework.
In light of the Minister’s decision, no changes will be made to Local Planning Scheme No. 3 in relation to proposed Scheme Amendment No. 11.
The Minister has issued decisions regarding many of these amendments. Please contact the City's Planning Department should you have questions.