Minister's Decision - Scheme Amendment No 10 - Additional Use 9 (Betty Street/Doonan Road)
The City wishes to advise that the Western Australian Planning Commission has considered Scheme Amendment No 10 and submitted its recommendation to the Minister in accordance with section 87(1) of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (the Act).
The Minister has approved the amendment, subject to modifications, in accordance with section 87(2)(a) of the Act.
It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 that the Minister for Planning approved the City of Nedlands Local Planning Scheme amendment on 21 December 2021 for the purpose of:
a. Modifying the conditions applicable to Additional Use 9 (A9) as follows:
(1) Residential aged care facility is a ‘P’ use.
(2) A local development plan to be prepared in accordance with Part 6 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.
(3) In relation to Lot 25 (69) Melvista Avenue:
- A maximum plot ratio of 1.0 applies.
(4) In relation to Lots 10 (16) and 11 (18) Betty Street, and Lots 19 (73) and 18 (75) Doonan Road:
- Development to be in accordance with the R80 density code and associated primary controls prescribed in State Planning Policy 7.3 Residential Design Codes Volume 2 – Apartments.
b. Allocating the R12.5 density code to Additional Use 9 site on the scheme map.
The City's Local Planning Scheme No 3 and related maps will be updated accordingly.
The Minister has issued decisions regarding many of these amendments. Please contact the City's Planning Department should you have questions.