Where will the work be undertaken?

    What species are being planted?

    Approximately 3300 locally occurring native shrubs and ground covers will be planted.  All species are local provenance native species that naturally occur in the region. 



    Acacia huegelii


    Acacia willdenowiana

    Grass Wattle

    Anigozanthos manglesii

    Mangles Kangaroo Paw

    Allocasuarina humilis

    Dwarf Sheoak

    Conostylis aculeata

    Prickly Conostylis

    Conostylis candicans

    Grey Cottonhead

    Eremophila glabra (green erect form)

    Tar Bush

    Grevillea vestita


    Gompholobium tomentosum

    Hairy Yellow Pea

    Jacksonia sericea


    Grevillea crithmifolia


    Hibbertia racemosa

    Stalked Guinea Flower

    Rhagodia baccata

    Sea Berry Saltbush

    What is a Greenway Corridor

    A greenway is a habitat corridor of protected open space that is managed to support and enhance the natural environment. The significant characteristic of a greenway is that it connects with a network of areas, linking bushlands, parks, cultural and historic sites with each other and with urban areas. Greenways not only enrich the local environment, they also provide people with access to outdoor recreation and enjoyment close to home.

    An example of a greenway follows:

    Why develop a Greenway Corridor instead of maintaining a grassed verge?

    Developing greenways on grassed verges with native seedlings has several benefits:

    • Native seedlings require significantly less water;
    • Fertiliser is not needed to maintain greenways;
    • Native seedlings have beautiful and unique flowers,
    • Greenways support native wildlife, such as birds and butterflies,
    • Greenways are easy to care for and maintain; and
    • Native seedlings don’t pose a risk of becoming weeds in local bushlands.

    Why are Greenway Corridors important?

    Greenways are important because they:

    • Preserve and create open space;
    • Improve air quality;
    • Improve water quality through biofiltration;
    • Reduce water and fertiliser consumption;
    • Provide  habitat for fauna such as birds, butterflies and lizards;
    • Provide corridors for wildlife (particularly birds);
    • Increase biodiversity;
    • Provide a role in environmental education; and
    • Use local native seedlings that our insects and birds have evolved with.

    Where are the Nedlands Greenways?

    The following routes have been designated as Greenways in the City of Nedlands and are identified within the City’s Greenways Policy.

    • Coastal Regional Greenway
    • Railway Regional Greenway
    • Foreshore Regional Greenway
    • Coast and Allen Park to Bold Park via Campbell Barracks Regional Greenway
    • Bold Park to Kings Park Greenway
    • Coast and Bold Park to Lake Claremont Greenway
    • Local Greenways