Public advertising of Local Planning Policy - Primary Controls for Apartment Developments
Consultation has concluded

Draft Local Planning Policy – Primary Controls for Apartment Developments
The City of Nedlands is inviting your comments on draft Local Planning Policy – Primary Controls for Apartment Developments (LPP – Primary Controls for Apartment Developments), which can be viewed here.
At the September 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to prepare and advertise draft LPP – Primary Controls for Apartment Developments.
The draft Policy seeks to provide guidance to decision-makers and establish Council’s preference for apartment development to be consistent with the default standards of the State Planning Policy 7.3 - Residential Design Codes Volume 2 - Apartments.
What is happening next?
Opportunities for the City of Nedlands community to be involved are now open. Here's how you can get involved:
Submission Period: 11 February to 7 March 2022
The community is invited to submit feedback online here. Please include your name and contact details, to allow us to contact you should we need more information or clarification of your feedback.
The City’s recommendations to Council will take into consideration the submissions made as part of this consultation process.
To provide you with further information on this proposal, details can be found in the text below and in the right sidebar on this site - including the Policy, timeline and an outline of the process.
Community Information Session
A Community Information Session will be held by appointments only on 24 February from 4pm–6pm at the City of Nedlands Council Chamber. The City will have 20-minute appointment slots for community members, during which City Planning Officers will be able to assist with general enquiries on this proposal. This is an informal session to ask questions of officers, with no formal presentation.
To appropriately staff the session, confirmed appointments are essential.
To secure your appointment, please contact the City on 9273 3500 or email
Local Planning Policy to be presented to Council
Following the conclusion of advertising and assessment of submissions made, the draft Policy will be presented to Council for consideration. Council will then resolve to either proceed, proceed with modifications, or not proceed with the Policy.
Have a question?
For any further enquiries, please contact the City's Strategic Planning department via email or call 9273 3500.
Please note that written submissions are not considered confidential and may be referred to Council to assist with the proposal. Submissions are also subject to Freedom of Information requests and included as attachments to relevant reports.