Precinct Structure Plan - Orton Road
Consultation has concluded

The City has received an application for the Orton Road Precinct Structure Plan prepared for the Lot 47 (No. 2) Orton Road, Shenton Park on the corner of Orton Road and Selby Street. Members of the community are invited to make a submission on the Precinct Structure Plan. Submissions can be made through the online survey below, via email at planning@, or by sending hard copy submissions to the City’s Administration Building. The City will be hosting an information session. You can RSVP to attend one of these sessions through the registration link at the bottom of this page.
What is a Precinct Structure Plan?
A Precinct Structure Plan is a key planning document that provides a high-level framework for guiding how an area could be development in the future. This includes zoning, subdivision, and design criteria for future development.
What is the Orton Road Precinct Structure Plan?
The Orton Road Precinct Structure Plan proposes to guide the future layout and development, land uses and built environment at 47 Orton Road, Shenton Park. The site has been owned by the registered by Alinea and operating as a Quadriplegic Centre.
The Precinct Structure Plan proposes:
- ‘Mixed Use’ zone to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for the delivery of five supported seniors housing accommodation (multiple dwellings) and other ancillary uses; and
- R-AC0 density which includes built form provisions for future development.
It is estimated that the project could deliver an estimated of 200 dwellings over four stages.
What is the City’s Role?
The Precinct Structure Plan has been prepared by Element Advisory on behalf of Alinea Inc. and submitted to the City to be assessed and advertised. The City is responsible for consultation with external agencies and our community to listen and advocate where we can on the future vision and undertaking an assessment based on the planning framework. City Officers will provide a report to Council with a recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). The WAPC is the determining authority for Precinct Structure Plans.
What is happening now and how can I get involved?
Members of the community are invited to make a submission online through the online survey below, by email at, or by sending hard copy submissions to the City’s Administration Building at 71 Stirling Highway, Nedlands WA 6009. For email and hard copy submission, please include:
- Subject line: Orton Road Precinct Structure Plan
- Full name
- Address
- Email address
- Telephone number
- Whether you support or object to the Orton Road Precinct Structure Plan, or if you are providing comment only.
Consultation will run from 18 July to 29 August 2024.
All feedback received will be taken into consideration prior to the final recommendation to Council. Please note that written submissions are not considered confidential and may be published in Council agendas.
Community Information Session
The City will be hosting a community information session in the City of Nedlands Council Chambers on Tuesday 6 August from 4pm to 6pm.
Please note there is no presentation at these sessions, they will run as a drop in format. They are an opportunity to speak to a City Officer and/or the applicant about the proposal and you do not have to attend for the full two hours. Please RSVP through the link below should you wish to attend.
For further enquires, or to arrange a time to come into the City that suits you, please contact Chantel Weerasekera via email at or call 9273 3500.
Is this the final plan?
No, the first stage is advertising the proposed layout. A big part of the City’s role is to consult with external agencies and our community to listen and advocate where we can on the future vision and undertaking an assessment based on the planning framework. City Officers will provide a report to Council with a recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). The WAPC is the determining authority for Precinct Structure Plans.