Achieve high quality environmental outcomes
Provide for community use of the foreshore
Provide for and maintain amenity
Create accessible and integrated public open spaces
Create sustainability benchmarks
Establish areas for different uses
Celebrate Aboriginal culture and foreshore history
Create partnership, education and training opportunities
Enhance Nedlands as a residential location of choice
Why is the City doing this work?
The Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act 2006 designates an area known as a ‘Swan Canning Development Control Area’ that includes the water of the Swan and Canning Rivers and the adjoining parks and recreation area. Within the Swan Canning Development Control Area, the local government and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions have joint responsibility for managing the public Riverpark foreshore.
This Foreshore Management Plan will provide a framework for orderly and proper planning for the foreshore and adjoining river reserve. It will plan for the protection and improvement of the environmental values and amenity of the foreshore and river and ensure long term use and enjoyment by the Nedlands and larger Western Australian Community.
What is a Foreshore Management Plan?
A Foreshore Management Plan is a strategic document that guides usage, conservation environmental protections of the marine and physical environment within the foreshore area.
The plan will be prepared to be consistent with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Swan Canning River Protection Strategy and will aim to:
Where does the Foreshore Management plan apply to?
The Foreshore Management Plan applies to the study area shown in the map below.
The Foreshore Management Plan goes beyond just the immediate foreshore to make sure that it can consider all of the adjacent uses that interact with or influence the plan.
Who is responsible for approving the plan?
A Project Steering Committee has been established for the project which includes representatives from the City of Nedlands and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
The Foreshore Management Plan will need to be approved by the Project Steering Committee before final approval by the City of Nedlands Council.
Who is responsible for progressing the plan?
The City of Nedlands and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions will use the Foreshore Management Plan to guide and progress future planning decisions for the foreshore area. This may include changes to local planning policies and schemes and suggested works to be considered for future capital works and maintenance budgets.
The Foreshore Management Plan may also include management recommendations for private landowners, businesses, non-government organisations and government organisations.
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Rivers and Estuaries Branch Statutory Assessment Unit are the group that administers and approves development under the Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act 2022.
For more details regarding the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions role in planning approvals, refer to the Rivers and Estuaries Branch Development Control Procedures document under the ‘Reference Links’
What do all the technical terms used in a Foreshore Management Plan mean?
A Foreshore Management Plan uses a number of technical terms that have been listed and defined under the ‘Common Terms Used’ link.
I own property/run a business that is within the study area. How will this plan impact my property?
As part of the Foreshore Management Plan, the project team will be assessing foreshore stability, accessibility and use. This will enable to team to understand if and how the area should be managed in the long term. Currently the management options are unknown.
Throughout the project, there will be many opportunities to provide input into the plan. The City encourages the community to get involved during the consultation periods to provide feedback and share your local knowledge with the team.
Will the study impact how we are able to use the foreshore?
The project may make recommendations that could modify how the foreshore is used and how certain areas can be accessed. These recommendations will not be known until technical assessments and extensive community engagement have been undertaken.
How can I get involved?
The first stage of engagement is determining how people use the foreshore and what they value about it. To share your feedback, you can complete the values survey, provide comments on the map and/or attend one of the focus group meetings. Details of these are provided on the main project page.