Why are the parking restrictions proposed?

    The proposed change in parking restrictions has come about following an investigation into recent complaints into the lack of sight distance for residents exiting driveways.

    Loch Street provides connectivity with other major roads and carries more than 7,000 vehicles per day. The City considers parking on both sides of the street inappropriate given the function of the street and availability of existing parking on the west side (under jurisdiction of the Town of Claremont).

    Why is the existing signage inadequate?

    Current signage exists near the intersections of Loch Street with Carrington Street and Bedford Street. 

    The existing signage suggests there should be no stopping on the road or verge for the entire length of Loch Street between Carrington Street and Bedford Street. However, the absence of additional signs between Carrington and Bedford Street can lead to a lack of awareness and confusion.

    As a result, this proposal is to install additional signage.

    Can I apply for a parking permit to park on the verge?

    Unfortunately parking permits are not allowed where parking is prohibited.  Parking permits are only issued to residents to enable them to park above a time limit for time-restricted parking.