Council to consider child care, parking and residential development policies

The following draft local planning policies (LPP) are being presented to the Council Committee meeting on Tuesday, 9 July 2019 as follows:
PD25.19: Local Planning Scheme 3 - Local Planning Policy - Child Care Premises
This policy is being presented for adoption.
PD26.19: Local Planning Scheme 3 - Local Planning Policy - Parking
This policy is being presented for approval and referral to the Western Australian Planning Commission for final approval.
PD27.19: Local Planning Scheme 3 - Local Planning Policy - Residential Development
This policy is being presented to consider modifications following community consultation. Council are also being asked to consider a number of new provisions to the LPP and modified explanatory figures which officers believe are significant enough to warrant further consultation with the community.
PD28.19: Local Planning Scheme 3 - Local Planning Policies for Heritage, SAT process and procedures, refunding and waiving of fees, planning compliance and signs
These policies are being presented to the Council for adoption as a result of previous advertising for submissions, as follows:
- Heritage
- State Administrative Tribunal - process and procedures
- Refunding/waiving of fees
- Planning compliance
- Signs
To view the reports, please visit the City's website (Your Council/Agendas-minutes).
To make a representation at either the Committee Meeting or the Council Meeting, please visit the City's website (Your Council/Council Meetings) "Intention to address the Council or Council Committee Form" to find out more.
The City will review and advertise local planning policies on a case-by-case basis depending on the extent of the changes and in line with the Deemed provisions.