Advertising Modifications to Parking Local Planning Policy
In accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 Schedule 2, Part 2, Clause 4, the City of Nedlands has prepared and advertises modifications to the Parking Local Planning Policy.
The purpose of this policy is to define standards for car parking for residential and non-residential developments. The amendments relate to the parking ratios for Residential Aged Care Facilities. Altering the ratio from 12 bays or 1 per every 4 beds (whichever is greater) to 12 bays or 1 per every 3 beds (whichever is greater).
The Policy is available for viewing in the document library and comment via the submission form.
Submissions close 5pm Saturday 17 October 2020.
The City will review and advertise local planning policies on a case-by-case basis depending on the extent of the changes and in line with the Deemed provisions.