Advertising Modifications to LPP – Waste Management
The Council at their Ordinary Council Meeting in July 2020 resolved to prepare and advertise modifications to the Waste Management Local Planning Policy. This policy details the requirements relating to waste management and minimisation to be considered in the design of any proposed development as per the City’s Waste Management Guidelines.
The City’s Waste Local Planning Policy (Waste LPP) and Guidelines were adopted in March 2020 by Council. Since adoption of this policy, however, planning applications have been received that demonstrate the policy’s requirement for ‘inside-servicing’ for development applications exceeding 5 dwellings has resulted in proposed adverse built form outcomes. In consultation with Council, the City has made minor changes to the policy to be in line with best practice and encourage better built form outcomes.
This policy is available for viewing in the document library and available for comment via submission form.
Submissions close 5pm Saturday 19 September 2020.
The City will review and advertise local planning policies on a case-by-case basis depending on the extent of the changes and in line with the Deemed provisions.