Advertising Draft LPP – Jenkins Laneway – open for comment
The Council at its April 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting resolved to prepare and advertise for a period of 21 days the Jenkins Laneway Policy Local Planning Policy. This policy provides laneway requirements for the establishment of an east-west laneway between Taylor Rd to Dalkeith Rd.
The policy is available for viewing in the document library and for comment via submission form.
Submissions have been extended to now close 5pm Tuesday 23 June 2020.
- Why is the City proposing the allocation of a laneway?
The City is proposing the allocation of a laneway between Taylor Rd and Dalkeith Rd to reduce the number of crossovers addressing Jenkins Ave. Following the gazette of the City of Nedlands Local Planning Scheme No. 3, properties to the immediate north of Jenkins Ave have been ‘up-coded’ to R60, which allows blocks to be subdivided into five (5) new lots. Each lot is entitled to a 6.0m wide vehicle driveway and crossover. To reduce the impact of the intensification of the land use on the adjoining ‘Safe Active Street’ (Jenkins Ave) and to minimise the creation of vehicle crossovers addressing the streetscape, the City is proposing the allocation of a laneway to remove vehicle access from the existing street network.
- When will land be required to be ceded to the City?
Land owners are only required to cede land at the time of ‘significant’ redevelopment or subdivision. There is no requirement to cede land unless a development application or subdivision is applied for and subsequently approved.
- How does this policy affect property values?
The City is currently pursuing a Scheme Amendment, which would allow the land area of a lot (pre-ceding) to be used as the development potential of a lot for the purposes of a development application. Subdivision and development potential is not proposed to be impacted by the Local Planning Policy.
The City will review and advertise local planning policies on a case-by-case basis depending on the extent of the changes and in line with the Deemed provisions.