Advertising Draft LPP - Doonan Road, Jenkins Avenue, Vincent Street, Laneway and Built Form Requirements

The Council at their Special Council Meeting in January 2020 resolved to prepare and advertise the Draft Local Planning Policy Doonan Road, Jenkins Avenue, Vincent Street, Laneway and Built Form Requirements. This policy provides laneway requirements for the establishment of a laneway between 16 and 18 Doonan Rd, Nedlands through to the 19 and 21 Vincent St, Nedlands. The laneway will run on an east-west axis.
This policy is available for viewing in the document library and available for comment via submission form.
Submissions closed 5pm 7 March 2020.
The City will review and advertise local planning policies on a case-by-case basis depending on the extent of the changes and in line with the Deemed provisions.